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送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-12 9:47 已读 1013 次  


这篇文章一天前就出来了,更证实了我最初的怀疑。如果整个游戏是面向PC的,演示还说得过去。现在IGN的文章里写道:面向主机。 6park.com

那么当初演示的时候用的XBox手柄,哪台Xbox能跑那样的实机游戏?过渡渲染的视频和游戏重新移植到主机?本世代,次世代?中国开发过本世代成功的主机游戏么,他们懂次世代开发的规范么? 6park.com

游戏科学说游戏时长为10小时左右,如果是ARPG,10小时几乎才勉强及格,主线不可能多复杂,地图可能没法开放,但ARPG的核心是什么?一个RPG游戏的成败,图像不是最重要的。我估计把演示里的几个BOSS战场景串在一起就够10小时了,就看一个10小时的游戏能值什么价位了。 6park.com

另外,IGN的文章也是够业余的,最后一个词developers居然拼写错误,看来编辑也是够赶得。 6park.com

https://www.ign.com/articles/black-myth-wukong-length-series-sequel-19-new-details 6park.com

Facts About the Developer, Game Science

30 people are working on the game right now, with the developer's three co-founders all starting the company after working at Tencent. 6park.com

The game is being designed as a premium console game - something considered unusual and risky in the contemporary Chinese market. The team discussed outsourcing some of the development to companies that had worked with Naughty Dog and Sony Santa Monica, but have decided not to.Game Science is planning to hire 10-15 more people to allow for the company to have two separate teams working on level design simultaneously. After the game's trailer went viral, the company saw 10,000 resumes sent to them, with some people coming to the office itself to ask for a job. The company plans to go quiet "for a long time" to work on the game, and won't show any more of the game until the develoeprs believe that what they'll show is better than the first trailer. 6park.com

贴主:千牛卫于2020_09_12 9:48:53编辑 6park.com

贴主:千牛卫于2020_09_12 9:49:56编辑
贴主:千牛卫于2020_09_12 10:07:20编辑
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