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歌曲欣赏+翻译 :《百分百好男人》天生兄妹
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-08-12 7:16 已读 1833 次 4 赞  


Hundred Percent Good Man 6park.com

词 : 刘国鸿 (Lyrics : Liu Guohong) 曲 : 徐一鸣 (Music : Xu Yiming) 唱 : 西部杨刚, 杨雯梓 (天生兄妹 组合)       (Singers : Yang Gang, Yang Wenzi) 谱 : •https://m.qinyipu.com/jianpu/jianpudaquan/212497.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) [ M=Male, F=Female, D=Duo ] 6park.com

•———[ M : Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : abcb)————• 6park.com

你曾经说过 , 珍惜天赐的情缘 You'd once said, we should cherish this god-sent romance, 6park.com

在今生今世 , 我们会相依相伴 For this life of ours, we'll abide with each other. 6park.com

你为我改变 , 围着我转 You've changed yourself for me, centered on me, 6park.com

吃苦受累 , 总是无悔无怨 Bearing all travails, but complained not a word. 6park.com

•———[ F : Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

你真的是我避风遮雨的港湾 You're truly for me, a wind and rainstorm shelter, 6park.com

有你在身边 , 我的四季都是春天 With you by my side, it is spring season all year. 6park.com

你精心呵护 , 给我温暖 Your caring and love, the warmth you give, 6park.com

我陶醉于幸福的满足感 I'm drinking in this contentment of joy and bliss. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 6 ] (Rhyme : abcb)————• 6park.com

M: 在对的时间 爱上了对的人 At the right moment, loving the right person, 6park.com

M: 你我相爱是今生最大的缘 The love between us, the best karma in this life. 6park.com

F : 从前的自己 像天上的浮云 Before this, I was but just a drifting cloud, 6park.com

F : 是你让我的爱情之花 落地生了根 It's you who've let my flower of love take root and thrive. 6park.com

•——[ Stanzas 4, 5, 7, 8 ] (Rhyme : abab)——•         [ 4M / 5F / 7M,F / 8D ] 6park.com

百分百的好男人 , 知道怎么疼自己的女人 A hundred percent good man, knows how to love and worship his woman, 6park.com

敢于担当 , 甘愿去做你/我的保护神 Bear the onus, willing to be your/my guardian angel. 6park.com

百分百的好男人 , 知道如何哄自己的女人 A hundred percent good man, knows how to spoil and pamper his woman, 6park.com

百依百顺 , 懂得用浪漫和温存 Give in to her, with romantic and tenderness. 6park.com


Translated by ck 2021-08-12 •==================================• 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•———————[ M : Stanza 1 ]————————• 6park.com

你曾经 - 说过 ,- 珍惜天赐 - 的情缘 (12) You'd once said, - we should - cherish this god - sent romance, (12) 6park.com

在今生 - 今世 ,- 我们会相 - 依相伴 (12) For this life - of ours, - we'll abide with - each other. (13) 6park.com

你为我 - 改变 ,- 围着我转 (9) You've changed your - self for me, - centered on me, (10) 6park.com

吃苦 - 受累 ,- 总是无悔 - 无怨 (10) Bearing - all travails, - but complained not - a word. (11) 6park.com

•———————[ F : Stanza 2 ]————————• 6park.com

你真的 - 是我 - 避风遮雨的 - 港湾 (12) You're truly - for me, - a wind and rainstorm - shelter, (12) 6park.com

有你在 - 身边 ,- 我的四季 - 都是春天 (13) With you by - my side, - it is spring - season all year. (12) 6park.com

你精心 - 呵护 ,- 给我温暖 (9) Your caring - and love, - the warmth you give, (9) 6park.com

我陶醉于 - 幸福的 - 满足感 (10) I'm drinking in this - contentment - of joy and bliss. (12) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 6 ]————————• 6park.com

M: 在对的 - 时间 - 爱上了 - 对的人 (11) At the right - moment, - loving the - right person, (11) 6park.com

M: 你我相爱 - 是今生 - 最大的缘 (11) The love between us, - the best kar - ma in this life. (12) 6park.com

F : 从前的 - 自己 - 像天上 - 的浮云 (11) Before this, - I was - but just a - drifting cloud, (11) 6park.com

F : 是你让我的 - 爱情之花 - 落地生了根 (14) It's you who've let my - flower of love - take root and thrive. (13) 6park.com

•——————[ Stanzas 4, 5, 7, 8 ]———————•                   [ 4M / 5F / 7M,F / 8D ] 6park.com

百分百 - 的好男人 ,- 知道怎么 - 疼自己 - 的女人 (17) A hundred - percent good man, - knows how to love - and worship - his woman, (17) 6park.com

敢于担当 ,- 甘愿去做 - 你/我的保护神 (13) Bear the onus, - willing to be - your/my guardian angel. (14) 6park.com

百分百 - 的好男人 ,- 知道如何 - 哄自己 - 的女人 (17) A hundred - percent good man, - knows how to spoil - and pamper - his woman, (17) 6park.com

百依百顺 ,- 懂得用浪漫 - 和温存 (12) Give in to her, - with romantic and - tenderness. (12) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2021_08_12 7:19:28编辑

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