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赏歌+翻译 :《那拉提的养蜂女》告诉那痴情的牧羊人...
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-08-30 22:08 已读 2844 次 4 赞  



The Woman Bee-Keeper At Nalati* 6park.com

词 : 水手 (Lyrics : Shuishou) 曲 : 瑞祺 (Music : Ruiqi) 唱 : 库妮珂 (Singer : Kunike) 谱 : •http://www.2qupu.com/tongsu/20201226/22717.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•———[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

伊犁的雨水 , 织不出对你的思念 The rain in Yili¹ couldn't knit my yearning for you, 6park.com

那拉提的风雪 , 诉说对你的亏欠 The snow in Nalati tells of the love I owe you. 6park.com

如果不曾和你相遇 , 会不会视而不见 If I'd never met you, would I.. would I have turned a blind eye.. 6park.com

我们曾在可可托海 许下的诺言 ? To the promise we had made at Keketuohai² ? 6park.com

•———[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

空荡的毡房 , 再听不到你拨的琴弦 In the empty yurt, no more dombyra³ song you once played, 6park.com

杏花沟的花儿 , 采不出你给的香甜 The apricot blossoms couldn't yield the sweetness you gave. 6park.com

如果不曾和你相遇 , 会不会视而不见 If I'd never met you, would I.. would I have turned a blind eye.. 6park.com

漂泊的路 你曾是我依偎的终点 ? To the final stop you'd offered in my drifting life ? 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 5 ] (Rhyme : abac)———• 6park.com

远方的心上人 My love in the distance, 6park.com

我把心留给你.. 给了你 I've left my heart with you.. with you. 6park.com

北归的鸿雁一声声叫着哀愁 Calls of homecoming swan geese are so heartbroken, 6park.com

是我在和你说.. 忘了我 That's me asking you to.. forget me. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 4, 6 ] (Rhyme : abcb)———• 6park.com

远方的心上人 My love in the distance, 6park.com

请你不要再等我.. 再等我 Please.. oh, do not wait for me.. wait for me. 6park.com

喝下手里这杯伤心的马奶酒 Finish up this cup of sad kumis⁴ in your hand, 6park.com

请你忘记这红尘.. 忘了我 Please forget this earthly world.. forget me. 6park.com


Translated by ck 2021-08-27 •==================================• 6park.com

Notes : 6park.com

* Nalati : a prairie situated between the north and south ranges of Tianshan Mountains, in southwestern Yili region. With a length of 150 km and altitudes of 3,000~4,500 m, it is famed for its breathtaking sceneries of snowpeaks, lush valleys and beautiful meadows, aptly dubbed the “Prairie in the Sky”. 6park.com

1. Yili : an autonomous prefecture for ethnic Kazakh people in northern Xinjiang, located north of the Tianshan Mountains, bordering Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Russia. 6park.com

2. Keketuohai : or “Koktokay”, which means “blue river bends” in Mongolian and “verdant forests” in Kazakh. It is a region in Northern Yili with a unique landscape, and a listed UNESCO geopark. 6park.com

3. Dombyra : a traditional string instrument popular among ethnic Kazakhs. 6park.com

4. Kumis : a low-alcohol wine (1.5~3% by vol.) made from fermented horse milk. A favorite beverage for the peoples in Central Asian steppes. 6park.com

———————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

伊犁的雨水 ,- 织不出 - 对你的 - 思念 (13) The rain in Yili - couldn't knit - my yearning - for you, (13) 6park.com

那拉提 - 的风雪 ,- 诉说对你 - 的亏欠 (13) The snow in - Nalati - tells of the love - I owe you. (13) 6park.com

如果不曾 - 和你相遇 ,- 会不会 - 视而不见 (15) If I'd never - met you, would I..- would I have - turned a blind eye.. (15) 6park.com

我们曾在 - 可可托海 - 许下的诺言 ? (13) To the promise - we had made at - Keketuohai ? (12) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

空荡的毡房 ,- 再听不 - 到你拨的 - 琴弦 (14) In the empty yurt, - no more dom - byra song you - once played, (14) 6park.com

杏花沟的 - 花儿 ,- 采不出你 - 给的香甜 (14) The apricot - blossoms - couldn't yield the - sweetness you gave. (14) 6park.com

如果不曾 - 和你相遇 ,- 会不会 - 视而不见 (15) If I'd never - met you, would I..- would I have - turned a blind eye.. (15) 6park.com

漂泊的路 ,- 你曾是我 - 依偎的终点 ? (13) To the final - stop you'd offered - in my drifting life ? (13) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 5 ]————————• 6park.com

远方的 - 心上人 (6) My love in - the distance, (6) 6park.com

我把心 - 留给你..- 给了你 (9) I've left my - heart with you..- with you. (8) 6park.com

北归的鸿雁 - 一声声 - 叫着哀愁 (12) Calls of homecoming - swan geese are - so heartbroken, (12) 6park.com

是我在和你说..- 忘了我 (9) That's me asking you to..- forget me. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 4, 6 ]————————• 6park.com

远方的 - 心上人 (6) My love in - the distance, (6) 6park.com

请你不要 - 再等我..- 再等我 (10) Please.. oh, do not - wait for me..- wait for me. (10) 6park.com

喝下手里 - 这杯伤心的 - 马奶酒 (12) Finish up this - cup of sad kumis - in your hand, (12) 6park.com

请你忘记 - 这红尘..- 忘了我 (10) Please forget this - earthly world..- forget me. (10) 6park.com


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