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欣赏+翻译《红马鞍》有了它, 妹妹不再孤单
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-02-21 22:20 已读 2131 次 2 赞  


马亚维, 赵真:

东方红艳, 赵真:

东北关姐, 大鹏:

Red Saddle 6park.com

词/曲 : 赵真 (Lyrics/Music : Zhao Zhen)  唱 : 赵真, 马亚维 (Singers : Zhao Zhen, Ma Yawei) 唱 : 赵真, 东方红艳 (Singers : Zhao Zhen, Dongfang Hongyan) 谱 : •http://www.jianpu.cn/pu/42/424989.htm 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) [ M=Male , F=Female , D=Duet ] 6park.com

•———[ F : Stanzas 1, 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

蒙古包前一阵清风 吹开了我的脸 Standing before the yurt, breezes brush my hair off my face, 6park.com

我心爱的哥哥 就要离开了草原 My dear Ge Ge's* leaving the steppe and soon on his way. 6park.com

临行前留给我 漂亮的红马鞍 Before you go, you give me this pretty red saddle, 6park.com

靠在你的肩膀 , 泪水连连 Leaning on your shoulders, I can't stop my tears. 6park.com

•———[ M : Stanzas 2, 5 ] (Rhyme : aaba)———• 6park.com

我最爱的草原妹妹 , 请把我挂牵 My most loved Mei Mei* on the steppe, do think of me please, 6park.com

今夜告别亲爱的你 , 我会天天想念 Leaving you tonight, everyday I will miss you deeply. 6park.com

这一别 , 不知何时再相聚 Not sure when we'll meet again after this, 6park.com

妹妹要是想我 , 就看看红马鞍 Mei Mei if you miss me, look at this red saddle please. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 6, 7 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

[ F ] 哥哥的红马鞍哎.. 在身边多温暖 Ge Ge your red saddle.. eh, feels so warm by my side, 6park.com

[ F ] 草原上想你的夜 , 不会再孤单 On the steppe when I miss you, no more lonely nights. 6park.com

[ M ] 妹妹的蒙古包哎.. 有哥哥的红马鞍 In Mei Mei's Mongol yurt.. eh, there's this Ge Ge's red saddle, 6park.com

[ M ] 那是哥哥留下的爱 , 永远把你陪伴 That is the love left by Ge Ge, it'll be with you ever. 6park.com

•—[ D : Stanza 6 ]—• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 啊... / Ah... 6park.com

•—[ D : Stanza 7 ]—• 6park.com

那是哥哥留下的爱 , 永远把你/我陪伴 That is the love left by Ge Ge, it'll be - with you/me ever. . . . Translated by ck 2020-02-29 (Revised 2023-02-13) •==================================• 6park.com

* Ge Ge / Mei Mei : Literally mean "bro", "sis". It is an endearing way of calling each other between lovers in the Chinese culture. 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•———————[ F : Stanzas 1, 4 ]———————• 6park.com

蒙古包前 - 一阵清风 - 吹开了 - 我的脸 (14) Standing before - the yurt, breezes - brush my hair - off my face, (14) 6park.com

我心爱的 - 哥哥就要 - 离开了 - 草原 (13) My dear Ge Ge's - leaving the steppe - and soon on - his way. (13) 6park.com

临行前 - 留给我 - 漂亮的 - 红马鞍 (12) Before you go, - you give me - this pretty - red saddle, (13) 6park.com

靠在你的 - 肩膀 ,- 泪水连连 (10) Leaning on your - shoulders, I - can't stop my tears. (11) 6park.com

•———————[ M : Stanzas 2, 5 ]———————• 6park.com

我最爱的 - 草原妹妹 ,- 请把我挂牵 (13) My most loved Mei - Mei on the steppe, - do think of me please, (13) 6park.com

今夜告别 - 亲爱的你 ,- 我会 - 天天想念 (14) Leaving you to - night, everyday - I will - miss you deeply. (14) 6park.com

这一别 ,- 不知 - 何时再相聚 (10) Not sure when - we'll meet - again after this, (10) 6park.com

妹妹要是想我 ,- 就看看 - 红马鞍 (12) Mei Mei if you miss me, - look at this - red saddle please. (13) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 6, 7 ]————————• 6park.com

[ F ]  哥哥的 - 红马鞍哎..- 在身边 - 多温暖 (13) Ge Ge your - red saddle.. eh, - feels so warm - by my side, (13) 6park.com

[ F ]  草原上 - 想你的夜 ,- 不会再孤单 (12) On the steppe - when I miss you, - no more lonely nights. (12) 6park.com

[ M ]  妹妹的 - 蒙古包哎..- 有哥哥的 - 红马鞍 (14) In Mei Mei's - Mongol yurt.. eh, - there's this Ge Ge's - red saddle, (14) 6park.com

[ M ]  那是哥哥 - 留下的爱 ,- 永远 - 把你陪伴 (14) That is the love - left by Ge Ge, - it'll be - with you ever. (14) 6park.com

•—[ D : Stanza 6 ]—• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 啊... / Ah... 6park.com

•—[ D : Stanza 7 ]—• 6park.com

那是哥哥 - 留下的爱 ,- 永远 - 把你/我陪伴 (14) That is the love - left by Ge Ge, - it'll be - with you/me ever. (14) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2023_02_21 22:36:01编辑

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