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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-08-04 18:05 已读 1720 次 1 赞  




《美丽玉树》 Beautiful Yushu¹ 6park.com

词 : 倪永盛 (Lyrics : Ni Yongsheng) 曲 : 刘敏 (Music : Liu Min) 唱 : 尼玛拉毛 (Singer : Nima Lamao) 谱 : •http://sooopu.com/html/?id=377792 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)—————• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

白云自由着蓝天.. 自由着蓝天 So free the white clouds floating.. floating in the azure ; 6park.com

羊群自由着草原.. 自由着草原 So free the sheep herds grazing.. grazing on the pastures ; 6park.com

微风自由着大地.. 自由着大地 So free the breezes roaming.. roaming on the vast land ; 6park.com

歌舞自由着.. 自由着山峦 Around the mountains.. so free the song and dance. 6park.com

•———[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabb/cacc)———• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 Ah...Yushu, 6park.com

啊... 美丽玉树 Ah... Beautiful Yushu, 6park.com

你是名山之宗 You are the root of famed mountains, 6park.com

虔诚着康巴人千年的祈愿 Steeped in Kangba² people's millennial devotion. 6park.com

噢... / Oh... 6park.com

啊... 美丽玉树 Ah... Beautiful Yushu, 6park.com

你是古道唐蕃 The ancient crossroad of Tang and Bo³, 6park.com

悠扬着藏汉儿女的琴弦 Where the Zang and Hanmelodies still echo. 6park.com

•——[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)——• 6park.com

雄鹰自由着雪山.. 自由着雪山 So free the eagles soaring.. soaring o’er the snow crests ; 6park.com

花儿自由着家园.. 自由着家园 So free the flowers blooming.. blooming at our homesteads ; 6park.com

炊烟自由着天际.. 自由着天际 So free the hearth smoke wafting.. wafting on the horizon ; 6park.com

幸福自由着.. 自由着笑脸 Smiles on our faces.. so free and radiant. 6park.com

•———[ Stanza 5 ] (Rhyme : aabb/cabb)———• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 Ah...Yushu, 6park.com

啊... 美丽玉树 Ah... Beautiful Yushu, 6park.com

你是三江之源 The source of three great rivers, 6park.com

清澈着神山下深情的甘泉 The loving springs below sacred peaks you keep clear. 6park.com

噢... / Oh... 6park.com

啊... 美丽玉树 Ah... Beautiful Yushu, 6park.com

你是中华水塔 The water tower of China, 6park.com

美丽着母亲和谐的山川 You keep the harmonious Motherland gorgeous. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 6 ] (Rhyme : aaaa)—————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... 哎... / Ah... Eh... 6park.com

你是三江之源 The source of three great rivers, 6park.com

你是中华水塔 Water tower of China, 6park.com

美丽着母亲和谐的山川 You keep the harmonious Motherland gorgeous, 6park.com

美丽着母亲和谐的山川 You keep the harmonious Motherland gorgeous. . . . Translated by ck 2023-07-28 •===================================• 6park.com

Notes : 6park.com

1. Yushu : a Tibetan autonomous prefecture in western Qinghai Province, with Yushu City as the prefecture seat (pop. 356,000). Located on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, it is the headwaters region (area 363,000 km², average elevation>4000 m) of the three mighty rivers (三江源) of Asia and the world : Yangzi River (6300 km), Yellow River (5464 km) and Lancang/Mekong River (4909 km). Thus it is also nicknamed the “Water Tower of China” (中国水塔).  6park.com

This headwaters region also features two of the four main sacred mountains for Tibetans, namely Gado Jowo Mountains (嘎多觉悟山, highest elev. 5470 m), reputed as the king of all holy mountains in the Yangzi River watershed ; and Animaqing Mountains (阿尼玛卿山, highest elev. 6282 m) located in the neighboring Amdo region to the east, at the source of Yellow River. It is revered in Tibetan Buddhism as the home of the chief indigenous deity of Amdo, Maqen Pomra. 6park.com

“Yushu”, in Tibetan meaning “relics”, is steeped in legends and history, with some well-known ancient shrines in and around Yushu City, including the Gyegu Monastery (结古寺), Thrangu Monastery (创古寺), Domkar Monastery (当卡寺), Princess Wencheng Temple (文成公主庙), Gyanak Mani Stone Pile (嘉那玛尼石堆), and King Gesar Museum (格萨尔王庙). It is also the site for Yushu Horse Racing Festival (玉树赛马节) held annually in July, renowned for its daring and awesome feats of horsemanship. 6park.com

2. Kangba People : Yushu is part of the Kham (Kang, 康) region, one of the three traditional regions of greater Tibet, in the middle and southeast. The other two regions are Amdo (Andu, 安都) in the northeast, and Ü-Zang (卫藏) in the west. The people in Kham are called Khampa (Kangba, 康巴人). 6park.com

3. Tang and Bo : Short for the Tang Dynastic Empire (C.E. 618 to 907), and the Tubo (土蕃)/Tibet Empire (C.E. 618 to 842). Both empires were at peace with each other in the initial period through the marriage of state. The most famous one being Princess Wencheng (文成公主) of Tang married to the 33rd Tibetan king and founder of the Tubo Empire, Songtsen Gampo (松赞干布) in C.E. 641. Yushu was at the crossroad between the two empires. Princess Wencheng’s wedding entourage stopped by here for a month enroute to Lhasa, thus leaving behind some beautiful legends and a temple in her name. 6park.com

4. Zang and Han : “Zang” (藏) is short for “Xizang” (西藏), here it means ethnic Tibetan. “Han” (汉) meaning ethnic Han, the ethnic majority of China. 6park.com

————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 啊... 玉树 / Ah... Yushu 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

白云自由着 - 蓝天.. 自由着 - 蓝天 (12) So free the white clouds - floating.. floating in - the azure ; (13) 6park.com

羊群自由着 - 草原.. 自由着 - 草原 (12) So free the sheep herds - grazing.. grazing on - the pastures ; (13) 6park.com

微风自由着 - 大地.. 自由着 - 大地 (12) So free the breezes - roaming.. roaming on - the vast land ; (13) 6park.com

歌舞自由着.. 自由着 - 山峦 (10) Around the mountains.. so free the - song and dance. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 3 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 Ah...Yushu, 6park.com

啊... 美丽 - 玉树 (5) Ah... Beautiful - Yushu, (6) 6park.com

你是 - 名山 - 之宗 (6) You are the - root of - famed mountains, (8) 6park.com

虔诚着 - 康巴人 - 千年的 - 祈愿 (11) Steeped in Kang - ba people's - millennial - devotion. (12) 6park.com

噢... / Oh... 6park.com

啊... 美丽 - 玉树 (5) Ah... Beautiful - Yushu, (6) 6park.com

你是 - 古道 - 唐蕃 (6) The ancient - crossroad of - Tang and Bo, (9) 6park.com

悠扬着 - 藏汉 - 儿女的 - 琴弦 (10) Where the Zang - and Han - melodies - still echo. (11) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ]——————• 6park.com

雄鹰自由着 - 雪山.. 自由着 - 雪山 (12) So free the eagles - soaring.. soaring o’er - the snow crests ; (13) 6park.com

花儿自由着 - 家园.. 自由着 - 家园 (12) So free the flowers - blooming.. blooming at - our homesteads ; (13) 6park.com

炊烟自由着 - 天际.. 自由着 - 天际 (12) So free the hearth smoke - wafting.. wafting on the - horizon ; (14) 6park.com

幸福自由着.. 自由着 - 笑脸 (10) Smiles on our faces.. so free and - radiant. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... 玉树 Ah...Yushu, 6park.com

啊... 美丽 - 玉树 (5) Ah... Beautiful - Yushu, (6) 6park.com

你是 - 三江 - 之源 (6) The source - of three - great rivers, (7) 6park.com

清澈着 - 神山下 - 深情的 - 甘泉 (11) The loving - springs below - sacred peaks - you keep clear. (12) 6park.com

噢... / Oh... 6park.com

啊... 美丽 - 玉树 (5) Ah... Beautiful - Yushu, (6) 6park.com

你是 - 中华 - 水塔 (6) The water - tower - of China, (8) 6park.com

美丽着 - 母亲 - 和谐的 - 山川 (10) You keep the - harmo - nious Mother - land gorgeous. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 6 ]—————————• 6park.com

啊... / Ah... 6park.com

啊... 哎... / Ah... Eh... 6park.com

你是 - 三江 - 之源 (6) The source - of three - great rivers, (7) 6park.com

你是 - 中华 - 水塔 (6) Water - tower - of China, (7) 6park.com

美丽着 - 母亲 - 和谐的 - 山川 (10) You keep the - harmo - nious Mother - land gorgeous, (11) 6park.com

美丽着 - 母亲 - 和谐的 - 山川 (10) You keep the - harmo - nious Mother - land gorgeous. (11) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2023_08_04 18:10:10编辑

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