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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-08-19 23:17 已读 2049 次 3 赞  


《孤独的草原鹰》 The Lone Steppe Eagle 6park.com

词 : 王长春 (Lyrics : Wang Changchun) 曲 : 姜中山 (Music : Jiang Zhong shan) 唱 : 朝木日力嘎 (Singer : Chaomu Riliga) 谱 : •https://m.qinyipu.com/jianpu/jianpudaquan/25496.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•——————[ Prelude : Long Tune ]——————• 6park.com

啊哎... / 啊哎... Ah Eh... / Ah Eh... 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : abab)—————• 6park.com

天上飞来一只雄鹰 From the heaven flies in an eagle, 6park.com

那是草原的生灵 That's the spirit of the steppe. 6park.com

孤独在蓝天盘旋 Circling alone in the azure, 6park.com

低沉的叫声让人心痛 Its subdued calls have my heart wrecked. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 : Long Tune ]——————• 6park.com

嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aaba)—————• 6park.com

草原是你的家 , 有你的神话 The steppe is your home, where your myths abide, 6park.com

蓝天白云深情地依恋它 Clinging on with love are white clouds and blue sky. 6park.com

今天你独自在飞翔 Today you're soaring by yourself, 6park.com

那是一双寻找的目光 That's a pair of hopeful seeking eyes. 6park.com

•————[ Stanzas 4, 8 ] (Rhyme : aabb)————• 6park.com

啊嗨... Ah Hey... 6park.com

啊嗨... Ah Hey... 6park.com

你在何处飞翔 ? Where are you in flight ? 6park.com

期盼你回到身旁 Wish you will come back to my side. 6park.com

•—..[ Stanza 8]—• 6park.com

期盼你回到身旁 Wish you will come back to my side. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 5 ] (Rhyme : aaba)—————• 6park.com

孤独飞翔的雄鹰 Flying solo the steppe eagle, 6park.com

矫健的翅膀划过长空 Slits through the deep sky with wings of vigor. 6park.com

无声在风中驰骋 Silently sailing in the wind, 6park.com

经历多少艰难险阻 Through countless hardships and dangers. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 6 : Long Tune ]——————• 6park.com

嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 7 ] (Rhyme : aaab)—————• 6park.com

草原是你的家 , 你把双翼停下 The steppe is your home, give your wings a respite, 6park.com

蓝天白云是你的牵挂 Blue sky and white clouds always on your mind. 6park.com

明天你依然要飞翔 Tomorrow you'll still want to fly, 6park.com

只为寻找心中的希望 To search for the hope in your heart. . . . Translated by ck 2020-10-31 (Revised 2023-08-18) •===================================• 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated lyrics.  6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•——————[ Prelude : Long Tune ]——————• 6park.com

啊哎... / 啊哎... Ah Eh... / Ah Eh... 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

天上飞来 - 一只 - 雄鹰 (8) From the heaven - flies in - an eagle, (9) 6park.com

那是 - 草原的 - 生灵 (7) That's the - spirit of - the steppe. (7) 6park.com

孤独在 - 蓝天 - 盘旋 (7) Circling a - lone in - the azure, (8) 6park.com

低沉的 - 叫声 - 让人 - 心痛 (9) Its sub - dued calls - have my - heart wrecked. (8) 6park.com

•——————[ Stanza 2 : Long Tune ]—————• 6park.com

嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 3 ]—————————• 6park.com

草原是 - 你的家 ,- 有你的 - 神话 (11) The steppe is - your home, - where your - myths abide, (10) 6park.com

蓝天 - 白云 - 深情地 - 依恋它 (10) Clinging - on with love are - white clouds - and blue sky. (11) 6park.com

今天你 - 独自 - 在飞翔 (8) Today you're - soaring - by yourself, (8) 6park.com

那是一双 - 寻找的 - 目光 (9) That's a pair of - hopeful - seeking eyes. (9) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanzas 4, 8 ]————————• 6park.com

啊嗨... Ah Hey... 6park.com

啊嗨... Ah Hey... 6park.com

你在 - 何处 - 飞翔 ? (6) Where are - you - in flight ? (5) 6park.com

期盼你 - 回到 - 身旁 (7) Wish you will - come back - to my side. (8) 6park.com

•—..[ Stanza 8]—• 6park.com

期盼你 - 回到 - 身旁 (7) Wish you will - come back - to my side. (8) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————• 6park.com

孤独飞翔的 - 雄鹰 (7) Flying solo the - steppe eagle, (8) 6park.com

矫健的 - 翅膀 - 划过长空 (9) Slits through the - deep sky with - wings of vigor. (10) 6park.com

无声在 - 风中 - 驰骋 (7) Silently - sailing - in the wind, (8) 6park.com

经历 - 多少 - 艰难 - 险阻 (8) Through - countless - hardships - and dangers. (8) 6park.com

•——————[ Stanza 6 : Long Tune ]—————• 6park.com

嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... / 嗨... Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... / Hey... 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 7 ]—————————• 6park.com

草原是 - 你的家 ,- 你把 - 双翼停下 (12) The steppe is - your home, - give your - wings a respite, (11) 6park.com

蓝天 - 白云 - 是你的 - 牵挂 (9) Blue sky - and white clouds - always on - your mind. (10) 6park.com

明天你 - 依然 - 要飞翔 (8) Tomorrow - you'll still - want to fly, (8) 6park.com

只为寻找 - 心中的 - 希望 (9) To search for the - hope in - your heart. (8) 6park.com

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