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伍国忠. 笛子:

Longing For The Divine Eagle 6park.com

词 : 扎西达娃 (Lyrics : Zhaxi Dawa) 曲 : 美郎多吉 (Music : Meilang Duoji) 唱 : 亚东 (Singer : Ya Dong) 谱 : •https://m.qinyipu.com/jianpu/jianpudaquan/84859.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb bab)—————• 6park.com

在每一天太阳升起的地方 Every morning from where the sun rises, 6park.com

那银色的神鹰它来到了古老村庄 A silvery eagle glides over these old villages. 6park.com

雪域之外的人们来自四面八方 People come from all places far beyond the snowland, 6park.com

仙女般的空中小姐翩翩而降 And fairy-like air hostesses descend with elan. 6park.com

祖先们一生也没有走完的路 The road our forebears couldn't trudge in their lifespans, 6park.com

啊... 神鹰啊 , 神鹰啊 Oh... Divine Eagle, Divine Eagle, 6park.com

转眼就改变了大地的模样.. 噢 , 模样 In a blink has changed the look.. the look of the land.. oh, the land. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abccc)—————• 6park.com

噢噢... 迷迷茫茫的山 Oh oh... so faint so hazy the mountains, 6park.com

噢噢... 遥遥远远的路 Oh oh... so long so far-off the road. 6park.com

噢噢... 是谁在天地间自由地飞翔? Oh oh... who's that freely soaring between earth and sky? 6park.com

啊... 神鹰啊 Oh... Eagle Divine, 6park.com

你把我的思念带向了远方.. 噢 , 远方 You have my longing brought to the far side.. oh, the far side. 6park.com

•———[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aaaa bcb)———• 6park.com

心儿伴随着神鹰飞向那远方 My heart flies with the eagle to the distance, 6park.com

想看看城市的灯火和蓝色的海洋 I want to see the city lights and the blue ocean. 6park.com

当梦想成真 , 走进宽敞的机舱 When my dream came true, I stepped in the wide cabin, 6park.com

俯看天外世界 , 止不住热泪盈眶 The bird's eye-view of the outside world had my eyes tear-glistened. 6park.com

父辈们朝圣的脚步还在回响 Still echoing are our fathers' pilgrimage strides, 6park.com

啊... 神鹰啊 , 神鹰啊 Oh... Divine Eagle, Divine Eagle, 6park.com

我已经告别昨天 , 找到了生命的亮光 I have farewelled yesterdays, and found the sparkles of my life. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : abccc)—————• 6park.com

噢噢... 摇摇滚滚的风 Oh oh... swirling and gusting, the winds, 6park.com

噢噢... 飘飘洒洒的雨 Oh oh... splashing and blasting, the rains. 6park.com

噢噢... 蓝天的儿子又回到了故乡 Oh oh... back to the homeland is son of the blue sky, 6park.com

啊... 神鹰啊 Oh... Eagle Divine, 6park.com

你使我实现了童年的梦想.. 噢 ,梦想 You have made my childhood.. childhood dream realize.. oh, realize. 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————• 6park.com

嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... Dudu... / Dudu... / Dudu... / Dudu... . . . Translated by ck 2020-05-25 (Revised 2023-09-19) •===================================• 6park.com

* Divine Eagle : the Tibetan nickname for Himalayan griffon vulture. For generations, this bird species has been revered by Tibetans in their animistic belief as a divine bird which can carry the soul of a dead person to heaven through the process of celestial burial (天葬). 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himalayan_vulture 6park.com

This song was written in 1995 as a theme song for the documentary film《Blessing Tibet》, as well as for the first ethnic Tibetan fighter pilot Zhaxi Zeren (during WW2 against the Japanese invasion), to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Tibet Autonomous Region. 6park.com

This song describes a kid from a remote poor region who is awed by the airplane on first seeing it, and hoping to fly in it one day to see the world outside the mountains. The last stanza describes the grown-up kid who returns to his homeland after achieving his dream as a pilot. The song alludes to the great changes Tibet has undergone from the old days to modern time. 6park.com

《向往神鹰》创作于1995年,是为了庆祝西藏自治区成立30周年而拍摄的电视记录片《祝福西藏》中的插曲,也是写给第一代藏族飞行员扎西泽仁的歌。 ————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

在每 - 一天太阳 - 升起的 - 地方 (11) Every - morning from where - the sun - rises, (10) 6park.com

那银色的 - 神鹰 - 它来到了 - 古老村庄 (14) A silvery - eagle - glides over these - old villages. (14) 6park.com

雪域之外的 - 人们 - 来自四面 - 八方 (13) People come from all - places - far beyond the - snowland, (13) 6park.com

仙女般的 - 空中小姐 - 翩翩 - 而降 (12) And fairy-like - air hostesses - descend - with elan. (13) 6park.com

祖先们 - 一生也 - 没有 - 走完的路 (12) The road our - forebears couldn't - trudge in - their lifespans, (12) 6park.com

啊... 神 - 鹰啊 ,- 神 - 鹰啊 (7) Oh... Di - vine Eagle, - Di - vine Eagle, (9) 6park.com

转眼就 - 改变了 - 大地的模样..- 噢 , 模样 (14) In a blink - has changed the look..- the look of the land..- oh, the land. (15) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

噢噢... 迷迷茫茫 - 的山 (8) Oh oh... so faint so hazy - the mountains, (10) 6park.com

噢噢... 遥遥远远 - 的路 (8) Oh oh... so long so far-off - the road. (9) 6park.com

噢噢... 是谁在 - 天地间 - 自由地 - 飞翔? (13) Oh oh... who's that free - ly soaring - between earth - and sky? (13) 6park.com

啊... 神 - 鹰啊 (4) Oh... Ea - gle Divine, (5) 6park.com

你把 - 我的思念 - 带向了 - 远方..- 噢 , 远方 (14) You have - my longing brought - to the - far side..- oh, the far side. (14) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ]——————• 6park.com

心儿伴 - 随着神鹰 - 飞向那 - 远方 (12) My heart flies - with the eagle - to the - distance, (11) 6park.com

想看看城市的 - 灯火 - 和蓝色的 - 海洋 (14) I want to see the - city lights - and the blue - ocean. (13) 6park.com

当梦想 - 成真 ,- 走进宽敞的 - 机舱 (12) When my dream - came true, - I stepped in the wide - cabin, (12) 6park.com

俯看天外 - 世界 ,- 止不住 - 热泪盈眶 (13) The bird's eye-view - of the outside - world had my - eyes tear-glistened. (15) 6park.com

父辈们 - 朝圣的脚步 - 还在 - 回响 (12) Still echoing - are our fathers' - pilgri - mage strides, (13) 6park.com

啊... 神 - 鹰啊 ,- 神 - 鹰啊 (7) Oh... Di - vine Eagle, - Di - vine Eagle, (9) 6park.com

我已经 - 告别昨天 ,- 找到了生命 - 的亮光 (15) I have fare - welled yesterdays, - and found the sparkles - of my life. (15) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 4 ]—————————• 6park.com

噢噢... 摇摇滚滚 - 的风 (8) Oh oh... swirling and gusting, - the winds, (9) 6park.com

噢噢... 飘飘洒洒 - 的雨 (8) Oh oh... splashing and blasting, - the rains. (9) 6park.com

噢噢... 蓝天的 - 儿子又 - 回到了 - 故乡 (13) Oh oh... back to the - homeland is - son of the - blue sky, (13) 6park.com

啊... 神 - 鹰啊 (4) Oh... Ea - gle Divine, (5) 6park.com

你使我 - 实现了 - 童年的 - 梦想..- 噢 , 梦想 (14) You have made - my childhood..- childhood dream - realize..- oh, realize. (14) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————• 6park.com

嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... / 嘟嘟... Dudu... / Dudu... / Dudu... / Dudu... 6park.com

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