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King Gesaer¹ 6park.com

词 : 马文涛 (Lyrics : Ma Wentao) 曲 : 赵小钧 (Music : Zhao Xiaojun) 唱 : 扎西尼玛 (Singer : Tashi Nyima) 谱 : -- 暂无 -- 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

(Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

手心里蜿蜒着 生命的沧桑 In your hands meander the vicissitudes of life, 6park.com

脊梁上镌刻着 男儿的梦想 In your spine engraved a man's dream that would shine. 6park.com

雪域英雄 格萨尔 Snowland Hero Gesaer, 6park.com

你的风采 撩动谁的帐房? Whose tents have been swayed by your gallant manner ? 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

马蹄激荡 Horse hooves thunder on, 6park.com

山河歌唱 Mountains sing along. 6park.com

唐古拉风暴 卷走多少悲壮 Tanggula's² storms have swept off many tragedies, 6park.com

热血汉子 依旧把你神往 Men of hot blood still long for your glory. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

你是灵魂 呼啸的力量 You are the brave soul's wuthering vigor, 6park.com

你是云彩 羽化的光芒 You are the red cloud's feathering dazzle. 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 You are Gesaer.. my King, 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 You are Gesaer.. my King. 6park.com

•——[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)——• 6park.com

手心里蜿蜒着 生命的沧桑 Vicissitudes of life, in your hands twist and twine, 6park.com

脊梁上镌刻着 男儿的梦想 The dream of a man has been engraved in your spine. 6park.com

雪域英雄 格萨尔 Snowland Hero Gesaer, 6park.com

你的风采 撩动谁的帐房? Whose tents have been swayed by your suave demeanor ? 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 5 ] (Rhyme : aaba)—————• 6park.com

岁月悠扬 The years sail far and long, 6park.com

寂寞芬芳 Lonesome but a mellow song. 6park.com

青海湖眼泪 冰封多少惆怅 Qinghai Lake's³ tears have frozen many broken hearts, 6park.com

痴情姑娘 还在为你梳妆 The lovestruck girl for you she still adorns. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 6 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

你是灵魂 呼啸的力量 You are the howling vigor of a soul, 6park.com

你是云彩 羽化的光芒 You are the flying dazzle of cloud glow. 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 You are Gesaer.. my King, 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 You are Gesaer.. my King. . . . Translated by ck 2023-09-03 •===================================• For footnotes, see bottom of the page. 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

手心里 - 蜿蜒着 - 生命的 - 沧桑 (11) In your hands - meander the - vicissi - tudes of life, (12) 6park.com

脊梁上 - 镌刻着 - 男儿的 - 梦想 (11) In your spine - engraved a - man's dream - that would shine. (11) 6park.com

雪域英雄 - 格萨尔 (7) Snowland Hero - Gesaer, (7) 6park.com

你的风采 - 撩动 - 谁的帐房? (10) Whose tents have been - swayed by - your gallant manner ? (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

马蹄 - 激荡 (4) Horse hooves - thunder on, (5) 6park.com

山河 - 歌唱 (4) Mountains - sing along. (5) 6park.com

唐古拉风暴 - 卷走 - 多少悲壮 (11) Tanggula's storms have - swept off - many tragedies, (12) 6park.com

热血汉子 - 依旧 - 把你神往 (10) Men of hot blood - still long - for your glory. (10) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 3 ]—————————• 6park.com

你是灵魂 - 呼啸的力量 (9) You are the brave soul's - wuthering vigor, (10) 6park.com

你是云彩 - 羽化的光芒 (9) You are the red cloud's - feathering dazzle. (10) 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 (8) You are Gesaer.. my King, (7) 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 (8) You are Gesaer.. my King. (7) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ]——————• 6park.com

手心里 - 蜿蜒着 - 生命的 - 沧桑 (11) Vicissi - tudes of life, - in your hands - twist and twine, (12) 6park.com

脊梁上 - 镌刻着 - 男儿的 - 梦想 (11) The dream of - a man has - been engraved - in your spine. (12) 6park.com

雪域英雄 - 格萨尔 (7) Snowland Hero - Gesaer, (7) 6park.com

你的风采 - 撩动 - 谁的帐房? (10) Whose tents have been - swayed by - your suave demeanor ? (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 5 ]—————————• 6park.com

岁月 - 悠扬 (4) The years - sail far and long, (6) 6park.com

寂寞 - 芬芳 (4) Lonesome but - a mellow song. (7) 6park.com

青海湖眼泪 - 冰封 - 多少惆怅 (11) Qinghai Lake's tears have - frozen - many broken hearts, (12) 6park.com

痴情姑娘 - 还在 - 为你梳妆 (10) The lovestruck girl - for you - she still adorns. (10) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 6 ]—————————• 6park.com

你是灵魂 - 呼啸的力量 (9) You are the howling - vigor of a soul, (10) 6park.com

你是云彩 - 羽化的光芒 (9) You are the flying - dazzle of cloud glow. (10) 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 (8) You are Gesaer.. my King, (7) 6park.com

你是格萨尔.. 我的王 (8) You are Gesaer.. my King. (7) 6park.com

•==============================================• Notes : 6park.com

1. Gesaer/Gesar : original name Jueru, was a legendary king of the Tibetan people believed to be born in the 11th century CE in Dege County, Garze Prefecture of Sichuan Province, and buried in Golog Prefecture of Qinghai Province. Being from a poor herder family, he went through hardship of life during childhood, but ascended the throne of Kingdom of Ling by way of horse race while a teenager. Many heroic good deeds were accomplished during his reign, and his kingdom extended to an ever wider area. He had been highly revered since then throughout various Tibetan regions as their demigod and protector. The Kingdom of Ling was located in the Kham region between the Yangzi River (长江) and Yalong River (雅砻江). An historical kingdom of Lingtang (岭塘) had existed until the 20th century. 6park.com

The stories of Gesaer is well depicted in the “Epic of King Gesaer”, and spread to many other Chinese ethnicities. Versions of the epic are also recorded among the peoples south of the Tibetan Plateau, from Baltistan to Bhutan. The epic is composed of a very large body of versions, each with many variants, and is reputed by some to be the longest in the world. The Chinese compilation so far of just its Tibetan versions has filled some 120 volumes, more than one million verses. 6park.com

2. Tanggula Mountains : meaning “mountains atop the plateau”, is a mountain range stretching 700 km from NW to SE, separating the present day Qinghai and Tibet provinces. 6park.com

3. Qinghai Lake : meaning “blue lake”, is the largest lake (a salt lake, 4317 km²) in China, located in Qinghai Province. 6park.com

The realm of King Gesaer included the vast region between Tanggula Mountains to the west and Qinghai Lake to the east. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_King_Gesar 6park.com

格萨尔 (约公元1038年—公元1119年),原名 觉如,出生在今四川. 甘孜州. 德格县. 阿须乡。他出身贫寒,少年时靠赛马成为岭国之王。他一生南征北战,统一了大大小小150多个部落,结束战乱。他统治期间,人民安居乐业,农牧业生产技术有所发展。他也成为藏族人民引以为豪的旷世英雄,被后世称为格萨尔王。以他为原型形成的口述史诗《格萨尔王传》,是世界上最长的史诗,现已成为世界非物质文化遗产。他的灵魂据传安息在青海. 果洛州. 阿尼玛卿山的果洛峰。历史上,在今川、青、藏三省区相连的地方曾有一个小王国叫 岭塘,一直存在到20世纪。 •———————————————————————————————• 评分完成:已经给 午夜剑客 加上 100 银元!

贴主:午夜剑客于2024_01_09 15:15:18编辑
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