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送交者: steelak47[♂★反对白人至上★♂] 于 2020-03-19 0:02 已读 1998 次 3 赞  



当地时间16日,美国总统特朗普和白宫新冠疫情工作组在白宫召开记者会发布抗疫指南。 6park.com

特朗普表示,未来15天美国人要避免10人以上的团体聚集;避免在酒吧、餐厅和美食广场进餐或喝酒等。 6park.com


记者会现场人数仅目测就已超过10人的限制,看起来也没有人佩戴口罩等护具。 6park.com

U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday released national guidelines at a press conference attended by over 15 people, which advised all Americans to avoid groups of more than 10 and urged older people to stay at home to fight the spread of the coronavirus. 6park.com

现场人数“翻车”并不是近日特朗普出席记者会的唯一“亮点”。 6park.com

特朗普在17日的记者会上对新冠疫情的蔓延发表了一番言论: 6park.com

On the lectern at the White House the next day, Trump made another remarkable assertion: 6park.com

“这是一场大流行病。早在它被定性为‘大流行’之前我就知道这一点” 6park.com

"This is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic."

[iframe][/iframe] 6park.com

可特朗普对待疫情的态度真的如他所言吗? 6park.com

让我们来梳理一下这段时间特朗普面对疫情说过的话…… 6park.com

"It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear." 6park.com

“总有一天它(新冠病毒)会消失,就像一个奇迹。” 6park.com

“我可以代表美国说我国疫情尚在掌握之中”;“没什么需要恐慌的”;“不管发生什么,我们都做好了准备;我们有全球最好的专家”;…… 6park.com

When asked by a CNBC reporter whether there were “worries about a pandemic” on January 22, Trump replied: “No, not at all. We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.” 6park.com

“It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear,” Trump said on February 27 at a White House meeting. 6park.com

"You can't be a politician and not shake hands." 6park.com

“不握手怎么当政治家” 6park.com


[iframe][/iframe] 6park.com

5天后,美国确诊病例超过600例,其中死亡约26例,特朗普才终于改口,提醒“大家要保持警惕,小心点”,但同时他还不忘强调“我们在抗疫方面做得很好,不要慌”。 6park.com

After health authorities around the world have advised people to stop shaking hands to avoid getting infected by the coronavirus, Trump said he would stick to the old way because “you can’t be a politician and not shake hands.” 6park.com

Five days later, since more than 600 cases and 26 deaths have been confirmed in the U.S., Trump finally began reminding people to be vigilant and careful. 6park.com

"If you are sick or not feeling well, stay home." 6park.com


3月11日,一贯“乐观”的特朗普开始号召“如果你生病了,或者身体不适,在家待着,我们必须把政治放在一边,停止党派之争”。13日,特朗普宣布美国进入紧急状态,并将身为政治家必要的“握手”改成了“碰肘”。 6park.com


16日,特朗普在记者会上首次承认美国经济可能出现衰退,但他强调,一旦遏制住疫情,美国经济将因为需求积压而反弹,最终将实现巨大增长。 6park.com

而在被问及疫情期间的表现时,特朗普依然不假思索地给自己打出了满分。 6park.com

Trump declared a national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic on March 13. And in the news conference on Monday, Trump acknowledged for the first time that the U.S. economy may be heading for a recession. But still, he gave himself a perfect 10 out of 10 when asked how he would grade his response to the coronavirus pandemic. 6park.com

特朗普显然并不是只身前来参加“变形计”的。 6park.com

在总统的口风转向以后,美国福克斯电视台的部分言论也发生了一系列大反转: 6park.com

从“最坏的情况也就是流感”到“这是一种我们以前从未见过的全球大流行病”; 6park.com

从“新冠病毒更致命的说法与事实不符”到“我们正面临一种极具传染性和危险性的病毒”; 6park.com

从“这是乘飞机最安全的时间段”到“我们有责任减缓病毒的传播”; 6park.com

Screenshot via @微丢 6park.com

…… 6park.com

在全球疫情形势依旧严峻的当下,看到人们对待疫情的态度越来越慎重,当然是一件好事。 6park.com


贴主:steelak47于2020_03_19 1:12:37编辑
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