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送交者: Fremont[♂☆★★声望品衔12★★☆♂] 于 2021-04-22 1:50 已读 58 次 1 赞  


回答: 上个月。。。好像! 由 flinstone 于 2021-04-22 1:14

https://www.faa.gov/foia/electronic_reading_room/boeing_reading_room/media/737_RTS_Summary.pdf 6park.com

13. FAA Conclusion
Following a thorough, transparent and inclusive process, the FAA determined that Boeing’s
changes to the 737 MAX design, flightcrew procedures and maintenance procedures
effectively mitigate the airplane-related safety issues that contributed to the Flight 610
and Flight 302 accidents. The FAA further determined that the design change addressed
additional safety concerns beyond those identified during the accident investigations. This
report does not address other safety issues that might have contributed to the accidents
but are not related to airplane design, including maintenance, aircraft operator and air
traffic control. The FAA believes recommendations related to these other potential
contributing factors should be addressed by the appropriate organizations. Further, the
FAA evaluated Boeing’s proposed flightcrew training through the Flight Standardization
Board process. The FAA issued a final Boeing 737 Flight Standardization Board Report
documenting the results of the operational evaluation.
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