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5.5 多重性格 Multiple Personalities
送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2023-12-18 12:53 已读 5856 次 1 赞  


In the spring of 1994, I was about to graduate from the Liaoning Branch of Northeastern University and faced the issue of finding a job. My fifth aunt entrusted her husband's sister (I call her Aunt Lu) to find a job for me at the Shenyang High and Medium Pressure Valve Factory (SHMPV Factory). Because I liked Aunt Lu’s daughter Xin Lu, didn't look for another job. At this time, I had only met Xin Lu a few times eight years ago, and then I only knew that she was a nurse in this factory hospital. She had a boyfriend, but her parents Aunt Lu and uncle disagree. 6park.com

六月的一天,妈妈从黑龙江东宁来看我,说带我去看看那份工作。我跟着妈妈去到了高中压阀门厂,工厂的基建处长向我介绍了这工作的情况。晚上,我跟着妈妈、老姨、大姑在工厂里溜达。她们让我去路边一个房子里看看。 One day in June, my mother came to see me from Dongning, Heilongjiang, and said she would take me to see the job. I followed my mother to the SHMPV Factory. The director of the factory’s infrastructure department introduced me to the work situation. In the evening, I walked around the factory with my mother, Fifth Aunt, and Aunt Lu. They asked me to check out a house on the roadside.

我推门看见了陆鑫。她本来站在窗边,转身做到了沙发上;可她的行为是当时沈阳混混当中流行的一套动作。我大吃一惊,惊呆了,随后缓和了,和他交谈了半个小时。 I opened the door and saw Xin Lu. She was originally standing by the window but turned around and sat on the sofa. Her behavior was a popular move among Shenyang gangsters at the time. I was taken aback, stunned, then relented, and talked to him for half an hour. 6park.com

我们出来后,她们逗陆鑫:“这么长时间没见过面了,这惊喜是个什么感觉!” 陆鑫大声抱怨:“惊喜!差点儿把我吓死了!我从窗里看见他了,笑呵呵的,和以前一样。他推门看见我,笑容变了,动作举止都在变(注5.5)。我眼看着他变成了另一个人,可凶狠啦!眼睛里放着凶光!好像似要杀了我似的。我被吓呆了!过了一会儿,我说,‘二哥!不认识我了!’ 他听见了,回答,‘啊!认识!’ 他又一点点儿地变回来了。” After we came out, they teased Xin Lu: "Having not seen each other for so long, how does this surprise feel?" Xin Lu complained loudly: "Surprise! It almost scared me to death! I saw him from the window, He was smiling, just like before. He opened the door and saw me, his smile changed, and his movements and mannerisms were changing (annotation 5.5). I watched him become another man, but he was so fierce! There was a fierce light in his eyes! It seemed as if he was going to kill me. I was petrified! After a while, I said, 'Second brother! You don't recognize me anymore!?' He heard it and replied, 'Ah! I know you!' He spoke and was little by little transforming back." 6park.com

我妈妈大笑着对大姑说: “几年没见,这陆鑫变得这么能说。不过,我感觉她说话有点儿离谱!说瞎话不用草稿,是不是事先准备好的?” My mother laughingly said to Aunt Lu: "I haven't seen Xin Lu for a few years, and she has become so eloquent. However, I feel that her words are a bit outrageous! She does not need a draft to tell lies. Is she prepared in advance?" 6park.com

大姑说:“事先,她不知道你们来了。她是看见咱们才知道的。” 妈妈感觉奇怪,说:“看来,陆鑫是受到了惊吓!但陆鑫说的也不着边儿呀!怎么卢岩还能变呢!?” 大姑说:“陆鑫没瞎说,她没那个智慧。这是发生的事情!是咱们计划的这个青梅竹马的惊喜太大了!可把俩孩子吓坏了!” Aunt Lu said, "Beforehand, she did not know that you had come. She only realized it when she saw us." Mom felt strange and said, "It seems that Xin Lu was frightened! But what she said doesn't make sense! How come Luyan can still change!" Aunt Lu said: "She is not talking nonsense; she doesn't have that wisdom. This is what happened! It was too much a surprise that we planned for this Childhood Sweetheart! They two both are horrified terribly." 6park.com

注5.5,美国精神病手册里有这方面的描述,我这种多重性格人的性格能在人前瞬间变化(如插图所示5.5-4),看见的人会感觉毛骨悚然,很恐怖。写完回忆录后,才知道我有三个性格,一个胆小懦弱的小人;一个大明白,就是健谈,自圆自说的那种。第三种性格残酷邪恶,做过的许多事,让我自己讨厌自己。我的多重性格是第一章《娃娃婚约https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=3408300》中的婴幼儿神经发育失调症造成的。三个性格就好像是三个不同的人,比如眼睛的大小不同,有不同的习惯、行为、智商等。现代的研究还发现,同一人,在一种性格中对某种东西过敏,当他在另一种性格时就可能不过敏。插图5.5-5是墨西哥的雨神特拉洛克;头顶的劈裂表示他有多重性格。 Annotation 5.5. This aspect is described in the American Psychiatric Manual. The personality of a person with multiple personalities like me can change instantly in front of others (as shown in the illustration 5.5-4). People who see it will feel creepy and terrifying. After writing my memoirs, I realized that I have three personalities: one is a timid and cowardly villain; the other is a wise person who is talkative and self-explanatory. The third personality is cruel and evil and has done many affairs that make me hate myself. My multiple personalities are the result of an infantile neurodevelopmental disorder in the first chapter, “Children Marriage Contract”. The three personalities are like three different people, such as different eye sizes, different habits, behaviors, IQs, etc. Modern research has also found that the same person who is allergic to something in one personality may not be allergic to it in another personality. Illustration 5.5-5 shows Tlaloc, the Mexican god of rain; the cleft in his head indicates that he has multiple personalities.

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