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14.2.7-9 缚和盖 Bind and Cover
送交者: Adam_Luyan[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2024-01-16 23:42 已读 2124 次  


14.2.7 缚 Bind 6park.com

缚是绑缚义,即于欲贪等境界现前或不现前,而其根识不能弃舍,故名为缚;有三种,贪缚、瞋缚、和痴缚。 Bind, in the presence or absence of desire and greed etc. environments, but the root-senses can not abandon them, therefore, the bind is named; there are three kinds of binds, greed Bind, irritation bind, and ignorance bind. 6park.com

一)贪缚,谓众生被贪爱所缠缚,对于随顺乐受的境界心不能弃舍,境界坏时,引生忧恼,故处于坏苦。坏苦是由境界变坏引起的,故被称作坏苦,是苦的自相。 1) Greed Bind, that sentient being are bounded by greedily love, the heart cannot give up on the state of pleasant and laughable environments, when the environment turns bad, which induce deteriorating bitter, let him or her reside in Deterioration Bitter environment. The bitter is caused by laughable environment damages, therefore is named as Deterioration Bitter, is self-phenomenon of bitter. 6park.com

二)瞋缚,谓众生被嗔愤所缠缚,对于能随顺苦受的境界心不弃舍,境界苦相现前,心生苦受,故处于苦苦。苦苦是现行的苦遇到了旧苦,苦水流出,故名苦苦,是苦的自性。 2) Irritation Bind, that sentient beings are entangled by irritation and resentment, cannot give up sequential environment of bitter acceptances; when environment with bitter phenomena present, they reside in Bitter-Bitter. Bitter-bitter is present bitter meeting old bitter, bitter water flows out, hence is named as Bitter-Bitter, is self-nature of bitter. 6park.com

三)痴缚,谓众生被愚痴所缠缚,对于能随顺非苦非乐受的中庸境界,心不弃舍,为剎那迁流行相的不安稳性之所逼迫,故令众生处于行苦。行苦是苦根;佛教的定义,有思想活动就有行苦。 3) Ignorance Bind, that sentient beings are bound by ignorance and foolishness, unable to renunciate sequential neither bitter nor laugh environment, so are forced by the unsteady instant drifting phenomena, reside in the Migration Bitter. Migration Bitter is bitter root; Buddhism defines that wherever mental activities exist, wherever Migration Bitter exists. 6park.com

由上说三义,故立贪等三种名之为缚。又依贪瞋痴故,于善法加行不得自在,故名为缚。 From the above three meanings, we establish the three names of greed, irritation, and ignorance as three binds. Also, due to greed, irritation, and ignorance, one cannot freely behave according to benevolent laws, so they are called three binds.

插图14.2.7-23是《墨西哥法典》对缚的表述。故事约发生在公元1325年,国王舍利王把王位传给了自己的教子墨西哥,可他死时墨西哥还流亡在国外,于是他任命自己的女儿卡特莉(即那个阶段的翠玉女)为代理国王,等待墨西哥归来后再把王位传给他。墨西哥听说了舍利王过世的消息就堕入了地狱(如图22,即患了精神分裂症)。他想通了之后,决定回国去继任纳瓦特国的国王,而且制定了计划(如图23)。 Illustration 14.2.7-24 is a representation of binds from the Mexican Codex. The story takes place around 1325 C.E. King Huitzilopochtli passed the throne to his godson, Mexico, but Mexico was still in exile when he died, so he appointed his daughter, Tlaltecuhtli, who was Chalchiuhtlicue at that stage of her life, as acting king, to wait for Mexico's return before passing the throne on to him. Mexico fell into hell (as in Figure 22, i.e., he suffered from schizophrenia), when he heard the news of King’s passing. After he figured it out, he decided to return to his country to succeed the king of Nahuatl and planned (as shown in Figure 23). 6park.com

可是卡特莉很贪婪,想自己当国王,也因此对舍利王和墨西哥很气愤,所以她想暗杀墨西哥于归来的途中。墨西哥就只能躲在他的教母蔻特鹨鸺的庙中。蔻特鹨鸺是舍利王的妻子,卡特莉的母亲。据传说,墨西哥有很长时间处于对舍利王怀念和哀伤之中,不能自拔,无所事事。插图1至24都是墨西哥画的,图24表明他是被贪嗔痴绑缚了,所以没能根据事情的发展变化而采取措施。 But Tlaltecuhtli was greedy and wanted to be king herself, was angry with Huitzilopochtli and Mexico for it, so she tried to assassinate Mexico on his way back. Mexico then had to hide in the temple of his godmother, Coatlicue. Coatlicue was the wife of King Huitzilopochtli and the mother of Tlaltecuhtli. According to the legend, Mexico spent a long time in remembrance of and mourning for Huitzilopochtli, unable to extricate himself and doing nothing. Illustrations 1 to 24 are all drawn by Mexico, and Figure 24 shows that he was bound by greed, irritation, and ignorance, failed to transcendingly perspectively look at the course of events, and accordingly to take steps. 6park.com

一)自己贪欲国王宝座,以至于被贪欲所缚。 二)插图23中那个年青时的墨西哥手中拿着一支装满了黑暗目的的爱神之箭,是他用来射卡特莉的;表明他对卡特莉有强烈的愤怒。 三)墨西哥还没能看破红尘, “万里长城万里空,一世英雄一世梦” ,所以他没能超脱地全面地看待当时的事,也就是被痴、无知所缚。 1) He himself coveted the throne of the king so much that he was bound by greed. 2) Mexico of that youth in Illustration 23 holds in his hand an arrow of Eros fully loaded with dark purposes, which he used to shoot Tlaltecuhtli; showing that he had intense anger towards her. 3) Mexico has not yet been able to see through red dusts that ten thousand miles of the Great Wall are ten thousand miles of the empty, one generation of heroes are one generation of dreams, so he has not been able to transcendingly perspectively see the events of his time, that is, he was bound by ignorance and foolishness. 6park.com

14.2.8 缠 Tangles 6park.com

缠是缠绕,是说由于无惭、无愧、昏沉、睡眠、掉举、恶作、嫉、和悭(解释参见11.4.4节)数数现行,缠绕金童(即亚当)的心,于修善品诸法为大障碍,故名为缠。 Tangles mean entanglements, which means that due to shamelessness, sinlessness, drowsiness, sleep, depression, regret, jealousy, and stinginess (for explanation, see section 11.4.4), again and again present, entangle Adam’s heart, are great obstacles for studying cultivating benevolent laws, hence the name Tangles. 6park.com

一)于修习戒学处(参见16.2节),无惭和无愧数起现行,亚当不生羞耻之心,故犯诸学处。 二)于修习定学处(参见16.3节),昏沉和睡眠二法数起现行,引亚当内心中沉没,故犯诸学处。 1) on cultivating and studying precepts place (see section 16.2), shamelessness and sinlessness present again and again, Adam did not generate shame and sin, so he violated the precept study place again and again. 2) on cultivating and studying stillness place (see section 16.3), drowsiness and sleepiness present again and again, which cause Adam’s heart to drown, so he violated the stillness study place again and again. 6park.com

三)于修习慧学处(参见16.4节),掉举恶作为障,由此二法数起现行,引亚当的心散乱于外尘境,故犯诸学处。 四)于善慧地(参见16.9节),修习四无碍解时,亚当应当与同志们相互分享心得,教学相长;可他心怀悭吝、嫉妒,不肯施法;这就障碍了他修学的进度。 3) on cultivating and studying gnosis place (see section 16.4), depression and regret present again and again, which cause Adam's heart to be distracted in the outer dust worlds, so he violated the gnosis study place again and again. 4) on the benevolent gnosis land (see Section 16.9), when cultivating and studying the “four non-hindrance interpretations”, Adam should share his experiences with comrades, teaching and learning are mutually beneficial. However, he was jealous and stingy, not willing to donate laws (i.e., to teach, to share), which hindered the progress of his improvement. 6park.com

14.2.9 盖 Cover 6park.com

盖是覆障义;是说贪欲盖、瞋恚盖、昏沉睡眠盖、掉举恶作盖、和疑盖能覆蔽真心,令善法不得显。插图14.2.9-1-38是纳瓦特尔的象形文字山字,也有盖、帽子、围巾等的含义,如图16、17、35、36、37、和39所示。图39中,卡特莉被像似山一样的大帽子扣住了,墨西哥正在赶去救她。 Covers mean concealment, obstacle; saying that greed-desire cover, irritation-hatred cover, drowsy-sleep cover, depression-regret cover, and suspicion cover can conceal real heart, to have benevolent laws not manifest. Illustration 14.2.9-1-38 is the Nahuatl hieroglyph "Mountain", which also means cover, hat, scarf, etc., as shown in Figures 16, 17, 35, 36, 37, and 39. In Figure 39, Tlaltecuhtli is held captive by a mountain-like hat, and Mexico is rushing to rescue her.

一)贪欲盖,契经说,于欲界为诸欲境界漂沦故,违背圣教,立贪欲盖;于出离欲界位为障。什么是出离?就是由五趣杂居地去到离生喜乐地;本意是玉女(即夏娃)嫁给金童(即亚当),成为众生之母,为此她要离别欲界(如图14.2.9-1-23),去到色界的大神天(如图8),成为上帝三合和的一员。在修习出离,摒弃见取见(参见11.节《 见取见》)时,由贪欲盖故,夏娃对于色声香味触五种妙欲境界,随逐净相、欲见、欲闻、乃至欲触,希求受用;贪欲牵引心识散乱向外尘境界,让她于出家不生欣乐。 1) Greed-Desire Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings are drifting by the environments of Desire Boundary, are contrary to the holy religion, therefore the Greed-Desire Cover is set up, which is an obstacle for going out household life. What is the “going out household life”? It is from “five interests mixed dwelling land (i.e., fig. 14.2.9-1-23)” going to “leaving generates delight and laugh land (i.e., 8)”; originally, it means that Jade-Girl (i.e., Eve) marries Gold-Boy (i.e., Adam) to become “mother of all beings”, which is that Eve goes out Desire Boundary (see fig. 14.2.9-1-23), to the Great God Sky in Color Boundary (fig. 8), becoming one of godly trinity. On studying and practicing the “going out household life”, detaching and giving up “views fetched from views (see section View Fetch), due to Greed-Desire Cover, Eve seeks to use the five wonderfully desirable environments of color, sound, incense, taste, and touch, desires to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, and even desire to touch, to pursue the enjoyments. Cravings lead the heart-senses disperse toward the external dusts’ environments, so that she does not produce delight and laugh on “going out household life”. 6park.com

二)瞋恚盖,契经说,不堪忍诸同志诃谏驱摈教诫等故,违背所有可爱乐法,立瞋恚盖;于觉邪行位为障。觉是发觉、觉悟。同志神行者发觉而且举发夏娃的错误的时候,她心生瞋恚;如是她不能觉悟缺失,耽误她正行的修学。 2) Irritation-Hatred Cover, Harmony Sutra says, sentient beings cannot tolerate expostulation, teaching, and reprimand from comrades, which violate all loveable laugh laws, therefore the Irritation-Hatred Cover is set up; is hindrance for perceiving heretical behaviors. When comrades of Godly migration found and reported Eve's mistakes, she felt angry and returned with hatred, so that she could not realize her shortcomings and delayed her cultivation and study on correct behaviors. 6park.com

三)昏沉睡眠盖,契经说,由违背正定(梵语奢摩他)故,立昏沉睡眠盖;于修习专注的止位为障。由不守根门,食不知量等,引起身心昏昧的昏沉和心极昧略的睡眠,障碍明静的止,夏娃无由得定。什么是根门?根是生命之树的六根(参见11.3节),也是色、声、香、味、触、和法,此六尘进出心地的场所,所以被称作根门。 3) Drowsy-Sleep Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “correct stillness” (Sanskrit Samatha; see section 16.3), the Drowsy-Sleep Cover is set up; is hindrance for concentrated Stillness in cultivation and study. Due to not guarding the root doors, and not knowing the amount of food, etc., the drowsiness and sleepiness hinder brightly quiet Stillness, so Eve can not gain Correct Stillness. What are the Root Doors? The six roots of life tree (see section 11.3) are also known as Six Root Doors, from which color, sound, fragrance, taste, touch, and law, the six dusts go in and out heartland. 6park.com

四)掉举恶作盖,契经说,由违背慧观(梵语毗钵舍那)故,立掉举恶作盖;于修习慧观的举位为障。由掉举心于亲属国土等生起寻思,由恶作于别离亲属国土等生起追悔,障碍观心于所观境上明静专注的思惟修,观慧无由生起。 4) Depression-Regret Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to contradict “Gnostic View” (Sanskrit Vipassana), the Depression-Regret Cover is set up; is hindrance for arousing Gnostic View in cultivation and study. Due to depression, Eve thinks of relatives and the kingdom lands, and due to regret, she misses relatives parted and homeland etc. which hinder brightly quiet mental cultivation, View Gnosis can not be aroused. 6park.com

五)疑盖,契经说,由违背于法议论,违背涅盘胜解故,建立疑盖;于止观修习位,与舍为障。此修习位中,舍即是平等正直之心,即是止。由于夏娃对圣教心存怀疑,于所学的法和所证的功德境界,犹豫不决,就障碍了舍的生起,所以般若舟(圣经中的用词是诺亚方舟)不能现前。 5) Suspicion Cover, Harmony Sutra says, due to discussions are contrary to laws, contradict resolution on nirvana, the Suspicion Cover is set up; is hindrance for renunciation during stage of practicing “Still View” (Sanskrit Samatha-Vipassana). In this stage of cultivation and study, Renunciation is evenly equality and correct dwell. Because Eve had doubts about the holy teachings and was hesitant about the laws she had learned and the virtues she had proven, which hindered the emergence of Renunciation, so Arrival Ark (Biblical Noah's Ark) could not manifest. 6park.com

前文述说了,亚当被烦恼所纠缠,而夏娃也不愿意嫁给亚当;那么《墨西哥法典》中是如何解决这一矛盾的?下面继续说14.2.7节中,墨西哥和卡特莉的故事。 As previously stated, Adam was entangled in troubles and Eve was unwilling to marry Adam; so how is this conflict resolved in the Mexican Codex? The following continues with the story of Mexico and Tlaltecuhtli in section 14.2.7. 6park.com

一天,墨西哥给人讲故事说,我不是特拉洛克转世,我本是大西洋里的一只乌龟(如图14.2.9-2-1所示;详细内容参见18.3节)。墨西哥在对卡特莉说什么?我自愿放弃王位的继承权,而且不计较你过去和未来的性丑闻,因为乌龟是妓院里男佣的别名。卡特莉怎么想的?“你这个猪一样的农民,自己知道现在没能力和我争夺王位,你想现在让我当国王,从我妈的裙子底下爬出来,发展自己的部下,等将来利用我的性丑闻来弹劾我(如图3所示)。” One day, Mexico was giving a story that I was not the reincarnation of Tlaloc and that I was originally a turtle in the Atlantic Ocean (as shown in Figure 14.2.9-2-1; see Section 18.3 for details). What is Mexico saying to Tlaltecuhtli? I voluntarily relinquish my claim to the throne and disregard your past and future sex scandals, since turtle is an alias for a male servant in brothels. What did Tlaltecuhtli think? "You, a peccary-like peasant, you're not capable of competing with me for the throne right now, and you want to make me king, so that can crawl out my mom's skirt, develop your own subordinates, and wait for the future to use my sexual scandals to impeach me (as shown in Figure 3)."

卡特莉想, “也好!只要我名正言顺地成为了墨西哥的始皇帝,这个世界就是我的!我不会在我们俩婚礼后的第一个早晨杀你,我要等你告诉了我 ‘墨西’ 之后再杀你,不迟!”于是卡特莉就为欢迎墨西哥从地狱里荣誉归来举行了盛大的欢迎仪式(如图2所示),而且二人在欢庆的仪式上当众裸体性交(如图4所示),向众人展示此婚姻的真实性。 Tlaltecuhtli thought, "Fine! Once I'm the rightful Founding Emperor of Mexico, the world is mine! I'm not going to kill you on the first morning after our wedding, I'm going to wait until after you tell me about 'Mexi', no later!" So Tlaltecuhtli held a great welcoming ceremony to welcome Mexico's honorable return from hell (as shown in Figure 2), and the two had publicly nude sextual intercourse during the joyous ceremony (as shown in Figure 4) to show the crowd the authenticity of this marriage. 6park.com

为什么卡特莉那么想得到墨西,是什么?墨西的纳瓦特尔语本意是,“这就是”,“就这个”。插图14.2.9-2-4显示这俩人的婚姻产生了一条DNA链条形状的线绳,就是奥林,就是《墨西哥法典》的主题线索。《墨西哥法典》是由墨西哥的回忆录,即《死亡之书》,和翠玉女的回忆录,即《生命之书》构成的。其中墨西哥回忆录的主题线索就是 “墨西” 。 Why does Tlaltecuhtli want Mexi so much? What is it? The original meaning of Mexi in Nahuatl is, "This is", "This is it". Illustration 14.2.9-2-4 shows that the marriage of these couple produced a cord in the shape of a DNA chain, which is Ollin, the theme line of the Mexican Codex. The Mexican Codex is composed of the memoirs of Mexico, which is the Book of Death, and the memoirs of Chalchiuhtlicue, which is the Book of Life. Among them, the theme line of Mexican Memoirs is "Mexi". 6park.com

最后怎么样了?为什么翠玉女(即婚后的卡特莉)没杀墨西哥?《墨西哥法典》已经被西班牙恶鬼烧了,但笔者我发现了一组此二人七天七夜婚礼的图画。图画的最后一张却显示了几年以后(如图5)。笔者我认为那是墨西哥在暗示读者,他通过几年的努力工作,成功地培养出了一个部下,小墨西哥;而且这个小墨西哥知道保护自己的父亲免受母亲的伤害。 What happened in the end? Why didn't Chalchiuhtlicue (Tlaltecuhtli after the marriage) kill Mexico? The "Mexican Codex" had been burned by the Spanish Hungry Ghosts, but author me discovered a set of pictures of the seven-day and seven-night wedding of the couple. The last picture shows a few years later (Figure 5). Author me thinks that that is Mexico hinting to the readers that through several years of hard work, he has successfully cultivated a subordinate, Junior Mexico; and this Junior Mexico knows to protect his father from his mother’s harm. 6park.com

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