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送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-08-04 14:14 已读 39296 次  


美联储最近一次加息后,国债对储户来说看起来更好 6park.com

128 6park.com

国际足联女足世界杯:赛事经济学向后滚动以恢复默认视图。 6park.com

凯瑞·汉农 6park.com

克里·汉农·资深专栏作家 6park.com

2023 年 8 月 3 日星期四上午 11:48(太平洋夏令时)·阅读 5 分钟 6park.com

多亏了美联储,寻求一年或更短时间安全、稳定、无忧投资的储户现在可以从国库券中获得多年来最好的收益率。 6park.com

即使美国信用评级被下调也不会影响这些回报。 6park.com

美联储上周将基准贷款利率提高四分之一个百分点,将利率推至 22 年来的最高水平后,国债收益率升至 5% 以上。 6park.com

阅读更多:美联储加息对银行账户、存款证、贷款和信用卡意味着什么 6park.com

一年期国库券的收益率现在为 5.36%,而一年前为 3.09%。 六个月期国库券收益率为 5.52%,而去年同期为 3%;三个月期国库券收益率为 5.53%,高于一年前的 2.56%。 6park.com

虽然联邦政府发行的这些短期证券不是一种冒险投资,但国库券目前为储户提供了比大多数在线储蓄账户和短期存款证更高的收益。 6park.com

Vanguard 投资交易服务主管 James Martielli 告诉雅虎财经:“包括国债在内的现金类资产可以在市场波动期间为投资者提供安全感和控制感,但重要的是要将情绪与策略分开。” “最近的加息增加了这一类别的回报,但这些资产的作用保持不变。” 6park.com

华盛顿特区财政部大楼内的美国财政部印章 6park.com

位于华盛顿特区的美国财政部 (Getty Creative) 6park.com

即使惠誉评级机构本周将美国主权债务评级从 AAA 最高评级下调至 AA+,专家仍预计此举“不会对国债收益率产生重大影响”。 6park.com

穆迪分析首席经济学家马克赞迪告诉雅虎财经:“美国国债市场是全球避风港。” “当然,美国存在严重的财政问题,我们的政治一团糟,但这不是什么新鲜事。自建国以来,或多或少都是这样。美国财政部无论顺境还是逆境,都是好钱,而且是全球性的。” 投资者知道这一点。” 6park.com

以下是其他需要了解的内容。 6park.com

什么是国库券 6park.com

国库券——如 I 债券和国库通胀保值证券(TIPS)——由美国政府发行并受到支持。 例如,I 债券的利息期限最长可达 30 年。 短期国库券通常适合寻求最多一年的短期储蓄的人。 6park.com

此外,储户还可以从国库券的税收节省中受益,这些国库券免征州和地方所得税。 6park.com

国库券如何运作 6park.com

国库券按其面值折扣出售; 当票据到期时,您的利息是您支付的金额与国库券面值之间的差额。 例如,如果您以 5% 的利率购买了一张价值 1,000 美元的一年期国库券,您将预先支付 950 美元,并在年底收到 1,000 美元。 6park.com

您必须在拍卖日购买,所有期限的拍卖日都是每周一次,但一年期国库券除外,每四个星期一次。 大多数个人投资者都会进行非竞争性出价,这意味着您获得拍卖时设定的平均收益率。 6park.com

当您通过 TreasuryDirect(政府网站)购买时,您必须持有新的国债有价证券至少 45 个日历日,然后才能转让或出售(即使是为期 4 周的证券)。 当证券到期时支付利息。 6park.com

如果您想像提前从 CD 中提取资金一样提前出售,则无需支付罚金或费用。 也就是说,如果国库券的出售价格低于到期时保证的原始购买价格,您可能会亏损。 6park.com

阅读更多内容:CD 的工作原理以及如何选择适合您的 CD 6park.com

哪里可以购买国库券 6park.com

政府检查的特写镜头 6park.com

(照片:盖蒂创意) 6park.com

您可以通过银行或经纪公司购买期限从 4 周到 52 周不等的新发行国债,这可能会收取佣金。 或者,您可以通过政府的 TreasuryDirect 计划以至少 100 美元的价格在线购买它们,无需佣金。 6park.com

然而,查尔斯·施瓦布 (Charles Schwab)、富达 (Fidelity) 和先锋 (Vanguard) 等大公司在购买国库券时不收取费用。 也就是说,当您通过经纪公司购买新发行国债时,其面值的最低订单通常为 1,000 美元。 6park.com

如果您想为个人退休帐户(IRA)购买国库券,则必须通过经纪人。 对于那些即将退休的人来说,这些可能是一个明智的地方,可以留出现金,而不必担心股市可能发生的情况。 6park.com

然而,如果您正在寻找紧急资金的地方,国库券可能不是您的最佳选择。 与货币市场基金或高收益储蓄账户不同,如果您想在到期前提取现金,则需要出售国库券 - 这可能会导致价格高于或低于购买价格。 6park.com

了解更多:2023 年 8 月最佳高收益储蓄账户利率 6park.com

密苏里州华盛顿 LPL Financial 的注册财务规划师埃里克·帕克 (Eric Park) 给出了这样的建议:“请记住,虽然美国国债将以全额价值到期,但其价格会一路波动。期限越长, 波动越大,所以如果你不确定什么时候需要钱,或者有时间可以支配,你可以考虑阶梯概念。” 6park.com

通过阶梯策略,您投资于多张交错到期日的国债,让您有机会在期限到期时以更高的利率进行再投资,或者在其他地方投资或使用资金。 6park.com

帕克补充说:“阶梯式在承诺和期限上提供了一些妥协。” 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/t-bills-look-even-better-for-savers-after-the-feds-latest-interest-rate-hike-184807315.html 6park.com

T-bills look even better for savers after the Fed's latest interest rate hike 6park.com

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FIFA Women's World Cup: The economics of the tournamentScroll back up to restore default view. 6park.com

Kerry Hannon 6park.com

Kerry Hannon·Senior Columnist 6park.com

Thu, August 3, 2023 at 11:48 AM PDT·5 min read 6park.com

Savers looking for a safe, steady, angst-free investment for a year or less can now get the best yields in years from Treasury bills — thanks to the Federal Reserve. 6park.com


Not even a downgrade of the US credit rating could derail those returns. 6park.com


Treasury bill yields are above 5% after the Federal Reserve lifted its benchmark lending rate by a quarter-point last week, pushing interest rates to their highest level in 22 years. 6park.com


Read more: What the Fed rate hike means for bank accounts, CDs, loans, and credit cards 6park.com


A one-year T-bill is now yielding 5.36% versus 3.09% a year ago. A six-month T-bill was at 5.52% compared with 3% a year ago, and the three-month T-bill was yielding 5.53%, up from 2.56% a year ago. 6park.com


While these short-term securities issued by the federal government are not a swing-for-the-fences type of investment, T-bills currently offer savers a better yield than most online savings accounts and short-term certificates of deposit. 6park.com


"Cash-like assets, including T-bills, can provide investors with a sense of safety and control during market volatility, but it’s important to separate emotions from strategy," James Martielli, head of investment trading services at Vanguard, told Yahoo Finance. "Recent rate hikes have increased returns across this category, but the role of these assets remain unchanged." 6park.com


United States Department of the Treasury Seal in Treasury building in Washington, DC 6park.com

US Department of the Treasury in Washington, D.C. (Getty Creative) 6park.com

Even after Fitch Ratings agency this week lowered the US sovereign debt rating to AA+ from its top score of AAA, experts expect the move will have "no material impact on Treasury yields." 6park.com


"The US Treasury market is the global safe haven," Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Analytics, told Yahoo Finance. "Sure, the US has significant fiscal problems and our politics are a mess, but that’s nothing new. It’s been that way, more or less, since the nation’s founding. The US Treasury has been good money, through thick and thin, and global investors know it." 6park.com


Here’s what else to know. 6park.com


What are T-bills 6park.com

Treasury bills — like I bonds and Treasury inflation-protected securities, or TIPS — are issued by and backed by the US government. I bonds, for example, pay interest for up to 30 years. T-bills are typically for people looking for short-term savings of up to a year. 6park.com


Additionally, savers benefit from tax savings on T-bills, which are exempt from state and local income tax. 6park.com


How T-bills work 6park.com

T-bills are sold at a discount to their face value; when the bill matures, your interest is the difference between what you paid and the T-bill’s face value. For example, if you bought a $1,000, one-year T-bill at a rate of 5%, you would shell out $950 upfront and receive $1,000 at the end of the year. 6park.com


You must buy on auction dates, which are weekly for all maturities, except the one-year T-bill, which is every four weeks. Most individual investors make a noncompetitive bid, which means you land the average yield set at auction. 6park.com


When you buy through TreasuryDirect — the government’s website — you must hold new Treasury marketable securities for at least 45 calendar days before transferring or selling them (even if it’s a four-week security). Interest is paid when the security reaches maturity. 6park.com


You won’t pay a penalty or fee if you want to sell early like you would if you pulled your money from a CD early. That said you could possibly lose money, if the sale price of the T-bill is lower than the original purchase price, which you are guaranteed at maturity. 6park.com


Read more: How CDs work and how to choose the right ones for you 6park.com


Where to purchase T-bills 6park.com

close up shot of government check 6park.com

(Photo: Getty Creative) 6park.com

You can buy newly issued Treasurys in terms ranging from four weeks to 52 weeks through your bank or brokerage, which may charge a commission. Or, you can buy them online for a minimum of $100 through the government’s TreasuryDirect program, with no commission. 6park.com


Large firms, however, such as Charles Schwab, Fidelity, and Vanguard, do not charge a fee when you buy a T-bill. That said, the minimum order for a new-issue Treasury is typically $1,000 in face value when you purchase it via a brokerage. 6park.com


And if you want to purchase T-bills for individual retirement accounts (IRA), you must go through a broker. For those nearing retirement, these can be a shrewd place to set aside cash without losing sleep over what might happen with the stock market. 6park.com


If you’re looking for a place for your emergency fund, however, T-bills are probably not your best option. Unlike money market funds or high-yield savings accounts, you need to sell a T-bill if you’d like to tap the cash prior to maturity — which may result in a price higher or lower than the purchase price. 6park.com


Read more: The best high-yield savings account rates for August 2023 6park.com


Eric Park, a certified financial planner at LPL Financial in Washington, Mo., has this advice: "Keep in mind that while US Treasury debt will mature at full value, their prices fluctuate in value along the way. The longer the maturity, the more they fluctuate, so if you’re unsure when you might need the money, or have time at your disposal, you may consider a laddering concept." 6park.com


With a laddering strategy, you invest in several T-bills with staggered maturities, giving you the opportunity to either reinvest at higher rates as the terms expire, or to invest or use the funds somewhere else. 6park.com


"Laddering provides some compromise in commitment and some diversity of maturities," Park added.
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