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您可能为社会保障福利缴纳了过多的税款。 以下是降低它们的方法
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-10-05 11:06 已读 39237 次  


您可能为社会保障福利缴纳了过多的税款。 以下是降低它们的方法 6park.com

120 6park.com

马克·亨里克斯 6park.com

太平洋夏令时 2023 年 10 月 4 日星期三凌晨 4:00·阅读 5 分钟 6park.com

老年男子正在计算他缴纳了多少社会保障税。 6park.com

老年男子正在计算他缴纳了多少社会保障税。 6park.com

数百万美国人的全部或部分退休收入依赖社会保障福利。 高达 85% 的社会保障福利需缴纳联邦所得税,具体取决于您的家庭总收入。 然而,富达最近为纳税人提供了减少社会保障福利税款的选择。 推迟社会保障索赔和减少传统个人退休帐户的提款是社会保障接受者降低税单的两种流行方式。 其他一些也可能有效,具体取决于您的具体情况。 6park.com


财务顾问可以帮助您最大限度地减少社会保障福利的税收。 今天与顾问交谈。 6park.com


社会保障税基础知识 6park.com

如果您的总收入超过特定阈值,您必须缴纳社会保障福利税。 社会保障使用一个称为综合收入的数字来确定您的收入是否高于应缴纳福利税的阈值。 确定您的合并收入的公式为: 6park.com


合并收入 = 调整后总收入 (AGI) + 非应税利息 + 1/2 社会保障福利 6park.com


合并收入超过 25,000 美元的单身申报者,以及年收入超过 32,000 美元的已婚联合申报者,最多可以缴纳这些福利的 85% 的税款。 6park.com


社会保障税管理策略 6park.com

虽然社会保障福利需要纳税,但福利的税率低于其他收入来源。 例如,最多可对社会保障福利的 85% 征税,而 IRA 提款则为 100%。 这使得社会保障成为退休人员的宝贵收入来源。 6park.com


如果您不采取任何措施来管理您的社会保障福利的征税方式,那么您退休时可用来维持生活方式的税后收入可能会减少。 富达分析了两种广泛使用的策略: 6park.com


Roth 转换:如果您将储蓄转换为 Roth IRA,您可以从 Roth 账户中免税提款,而不会增加您的综合收入。 这种罗斯转换策略可以让您申领社会保障福利,而无需缴纳更多税款。 6park.com

延迟社会保障:虽然您最早可以在 62 岁时领取社会保障福利,但等待领取会增加您的福利支票。 这意味着您需要支付的生活费用中的一小部分必须来自应税 IRA 收入。 6park.com

社会保障税管理如何运作 6park.com

100 美元钞票上印有几张社会保障卡。 6park.com

100 美元钞票上印有几张社会保障卡。 6park.com

作为使用第二种策略对美元影响的假设示例,假设一对夫妇计划在 65 岁退休。他们将通过社会保障和 IRA 提款的组合来支付退休金,税后总额为 70,000 美元。 他们将申请 27,700 美元的标准扣除额,并使用 2023 年的所得税等级。 6park.com


如果他们在 65 岁时领取社会保障福利,社会保障每年将支付总计 24,000 美元。 其中百分之八十五将被征税。 他们需要从退休账户中提取 50,777 美元,并缴纳 4,777 美元的所得税,税后总额为 70,000 美元。 6park.com


现在,考虑一下如果他们等到 70 岁,那时他们的社会保障福利增加到每年 34,000 美元,会发生什么。 现在,他们只从 IRA 中提取 38,820 美元,并且由于这减少了他们的综合收入,因此只有 47% 的社会保障福利需要纳税。 税单降至 2,820 美元,节省 1,957 美元。 6park.com


为了进一步减税,纳税人可以在领取社会保障之前向 Roth IRA 和 Roth 401(k) 存款。 这些账户允许免税提款。 纳税人还可以在领取福利之前从传统 IRA 中提取更多资金。 这将税收影响分散到更多年份。 6park.com


社会保障福利减税限额 6park.com

使用这些流行的策略,您也许能够避免为全部或部分社会保障福利缴纳联邦所得税,但它们不一定允许所有情况下的所有人都避免所有税款。 例如,您居住的地方是一个因素。 一些州提供社会保障收入的扣除或豁免,但其他州则提供全额税收优惠。 6park.com


无论您住在哪里,一个重要的潜在缺点可能是,将过多的税前储蓄转换为罗斯 IRA 可能会让您现在进入更高的税级。 这可能会抵消社会保障福利的长期税收节省。 6park.com


此外,只有当退休夫妇有足够的经济能力将社会保障福利推迟到 70 岁时,上述例子才有效。 6park.com

其他减税策略 6park.com

除了 Roth IRA 转换和延迟社会保障之外,其他技术也可以降低您的税收负担: 6park.com


在申请社会保障之前,从传统 IRA 和 401(k) 计划等应税投资账户中提取更多资金。 这将税收影响分散到更多年份。 6park.com


如果您有传统的 401(k),请在领取社会保障之前领取分配。 无论哪种方式,您都需要为 401(k) 资金缴税。 6park.com


向健康储蓄账户 (HSA) 捐款。 HSA 分配不计入确定社会保障税的收入。 6park.com


如果已婚,收入较高的配偶首先申请社会保障福利,以减少家庭应税收入。 6park.com


从高税收州转移到低税或免税州。 有些州根本不对社会保障福利征税。 6park.com


底线 6park.com

计算社会保障税的老人。 6park.com

计算社会保障税的老人。 6park.com

社会保障福利需要纳税,但它们有一些特殊的税收优惠,允许退休人员使用一些流行的技术来减轻总体税收负担。 Roth IRA 转换和推迟社会保障等战略举措可以显着减轻您退休后的税务负担。 这些技术可能需要在退休前预先缴纳税款。 各州以多种方式对社会保障征税,其中一些可能不会因这些举措而减少。 6park.com


退休计划技巧 6park.com

在做出任何重大财务决策之前,请考虑与可以评估您的具体情况的财务顾问合作。 寻找财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三名经过审查的为您所在地区提供服务的财务顾问,并且您可以与您的顾问进行免费的介绍性通话,以决定您认为哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。 6park.com


使用 SmartAsset 的社会保障计算器估算您将来将从社会保障中获得多少金额。 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/may-paying-too-much-taxes-110000766.html 6park.com

You May Be Paying Too Much in Taxes on Your Social Security Benefits. Here's How to Lower Them

120 6park.com


Mark Henricks 6park.com

Wed, October 4, 2023 at 4:00 AM PDT·5 min read 6park.com



Senior adult man calculating how much he has paid on Social Security taxes.

Millions of Americans rely on Social Security benefits for all, or a portion, of their retirement income. Up to 85% of Social Security benefits are subject to federal income tax, depending on your total household income. However, Fidelity recently presented options for taxpayers to reduce how much they pay in taxes on Social Security benefits. Delaying Social Security claims and reducing withdrawals from traditional IRAs are two popular ways Social Security recipients can lower their tax bills. Some others may also work, depending on your specific situation.

A financial advisor can help you minimize taxes on your Social Security benefits. Speak with an advisor today.

Social Security Tax Basics

You must pay taxes on Social Security benefits if your combined income exceeds certain thresholds. Social Security uses a figure called combined income to determine whether your income is above the thresholds where owe taxes on benefits. The formula for determining your combined income is:

Combined Income = Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) + Nontaxable Interest + 1/2 of Social Security benefits

Single filers with combined income above $25,000, and married joint filers above $32,000, may pay taxes on up to 85% of those benefits.

Strategies for Managing Social Security Taxes

While Social Security benefits are subject to taxation, benefits get taxed at a lower rate than other sources of income. A maximum of 85% of Social Security benefits may be taxed, for instance, versus 100% of IRA withdrawals. This makes Social Security a valuable income source for retirees.

If you don't do anything to manage the way your Social Security benefits are taxed, you may wind up with less after-tax income in retirement that you can use to support your lifestyle. Fidelity breaks down two widely used strategies for doing that:

Roth conversion: If you convert savings into a Roth IRA, you can make tax-free withdrawals from the Roth account without increasing your combined income. This Roth conversion strategy lets you claim Social Security benefits without paying more taxes on them.

Delaying Social Security: While you can claim Social Security benefits as early as age 62, waiting to claim boosts your benefit checks. This means that a smaller portion of what you need to pay for living expenses will have to come from taxable IRA income.

How Managing Social Security Taxes Works



Several Social Security cards on a US $100 bill.

As a hypothetical example of the dollar impact of using the second strategy, assume a couple plans to retire at 65. They will pay for retirement with a combination of Social Security and IRA withdrawals totaling $70,000 after taxes. They'll claim the standard deduction of $27,700 and use the income tax brackets for 2023. 6park.com

If they claim their Social Security benefits at 65, Social Security will pay an annual total of $24,000. Eighty-five percent of that will be taxable. They'll need to withdraw $50,777 from their retirement account and pay $4,777 in income taxes to total $70,000 after taxes are paid.

Now, consider what happens if they wait until age 70, when their Social Security benefit rises to $34,000 a year. Now they withdraw just $38,820 from their IRA and, because this reduces their combined income, only 47% of their Social Security benefit is taxable. The tax bill drops to $2,820 for savings of $1,957.

To further reduce taxes, taxpayers can contribute to Roth IRAs and Roth 401(k)s before taking Social Security. These accounts allow tax-free withdrawals. Taxpayers can also withdraw more from traditional IRAs before claiming benefits. This spreads out the tax impact over more years.

Social Security Benefits Tax Reduction Limits

You may be able to avoid paying federal income taxes on all or a part of your Social Security benefits using these popular strategies, but they won't necessarily allow all people in all situations to avoid all taxes. For example, where you live is a factor. Some states offer deductions or exemptions on Social Security income, but others fully tax benefits.

One significant potential drawback that could apply no matter where you live is that converting too much pre-tax savings to a Roth IRA could push you into a higher tax bracket now. This could negate long-term tax savings on Social Security benefits.

Furthermore, examples like the one above only work if the retired couple has sufficient financial means to delay taking Social Security benefits until age 70.

Additional Strategies to Reduce Taxes

Besides Roth IRA conversions and delaying Social Security, other techniques can lower your tax burden:

Withdraw more from taxable investment accounts such as traditional IRA and 401(k) plans before claiming Social Security. This spreads the tax impact over more years.

If you have a traditional 401(k), take distributions before taking Social Security. You’ll pay taxes on the 401(k) money either way.

Contribute to a health savings account (HSA). HSA distributions don’t count as income for determining Social Security taxes.

If married, have the higher-earning spouse claim Social Security benefits first to reduce household taxable income.

Move from high-tax states to low- or no-tax states. Some states don’t tax Social Security benefits at all.

Bottom Line



Senior man calculating Social Security taxes.

Social Security benefits are taxed, but they have some special tax benefits that allow retirees to reduce their overall tax burden using some popular techniques. Strategic moves like Roth IRA conversions and delaying Social Security can significantly reduce your tax burden in retirement. These techniques may require making upfront payments of taxes before retirement. And states tax Social Security in a variety of ways, some of which may not be reduced by these moves.

Retirement Planning Tips

Before making any major financial decisions, consider working with a financial advisor who can evaluate your specific situation. Finding a financial advisor doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you're ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.

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