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应该一次性支付 48,000 美元还是每月支付 462 美元作为养老金年金?
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-10-05 11:11 已读 41197 次  


我应该一次性支付 48,000 美元还是每月支付 462 美元作为养老金年金? 6park.com

92 6park.com

埃里克·里德 6park.com

2023 年 10 月 5 日星期四凌晨 4:30(太平洋夏令时)·阅读 6 分钟 6park.com


对于那些拥有养老金计划的人来说,买断决定变得越来越普遍。 如果您获得此优惠,需要处理的最重要的问题包括您何时收到付款以及您预计能活多久。 您越早收到一次性付款,对您退休后的价值就越高。 另一方面,您收取每月付款的时间越长,随着时间的推移,它们加起来就会越高。 举个例子,如果您获得 48,000 美元的报酬,以换取每月 462 美元的付款,那么您可能会想玩百分比游戏,如果您超过一定年龄,则可以买断。 否则,每月付款可能是更好的方式 6park.com


您对您的退休计划有疑问吗? 今天与财务顾问交谈。 6park.com


您应该一次性付款还是每月付款? 6park.com

养老金计划是一些雇主提供的退休福利。 基本上,它从退休开始每月为您提供一定数额的资金,并持续到您的余生。 6park.com


作为省钱的一种方式,公司越来越多地向现任和前任员工提供一种称为“买断”的选择。 这意味着他们将一次性向您支付一笔款项,以换取任何其他付款。 例如,您可能有以下两个假设选择: 6park.com


每月付款:从您退休时开始,终身每月 462 美元 6park.com


一次性买断:立即支付 48,000 美元,无需进一步付款 6park.com


问题是,面对这样的优惠,你该怎么办? 6park.com


DBR & Co. 的 Jeremy L. Suschak 告诉 SmartAsset:“在选择一次性付款或年金付款之前,需要评估一些重要的要点。” “首先,养老金的所有者应该考虑他们的健康。首先考虑这一点至关重要,因为与健康相关的因素最终可能会使财务权衡变得毫无意义。” 6park.com


养老金价值取决于寿命 6park.com

苏沙克提出了一个称为长寿风险的问题。 从本质上讲,每月养老金的价值取决于您的寿命。 您无需担心破产风险,因为联邦政府的养老金福利担保公司 (Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation) 保证每月支付远高于 462 美元。 6park.com

例如,假设您在 67 岁开始领取养老金。健康状况良好的人可能会再活 25 年,因此这笔养老金价值 138,600 美元,在此期间每月为 462 美元。 但这可能只适用于健康状况良好的人。 如果您预计再活 10 年,那么这笔养老金只值 55,440 美元。 因此,您越健康,这笔养老金的价值可能就越高。 6park.com

在为即将到来的退休做出关键决定时,长寿风险和您的个人风险承受能力是需要了解的重要事项。 财务顾问可以帮助您理解这些术语并制定未来计划。 6park.com

一次性总金额基于付款日期 6park.com

假设您的养老金年金或一次性付款的回报率没有生活费用调整。 那么,按照每月 462 美元和每年 5,544 美元计算,您需要达到 8.65 年才能在一次性支付 48,000 美元的情况下实现养老金收支平衡。 6park.com

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Kuderna Financial Team 创始人 Bryan M. Kuderna 表示:“在这种简化的情况下,当退休人员的预期寿命低于 8.65 岁时,一次性付款将是首选。” 6park.com

此分析代表了付款日期问题,因为任何买断的价值都取决于您收取费用的时间。 如果你在退休时或临近退休时收到这笔买断,每月提取 462 美元,即使回报率为 10%,这笔钱也只能维持大约 14 年。 6park.com

另一方面,假设您在 37 岁时获得相同的收购,并将全部资金投入标准普尔 500 指数基金,历史平均年回报率为 10%。 到 67 岁时,当您可能想要退休时,如果您不缴纳任何额外费用,则其价值将达到 837,571 美元。 6park.com

根据这些数字,最佳年龄是 14 岁左右。 如果在 53 岁时领取,假设标准普尔 500 指数回报率相同,一次性领取的 48,000 美元可增至约 182,000 美元。 这是盈亏平衡点,您的一次性投资将超过您在合理预期寿命内收取的金额。 6park.com

其他需要管理的收入和长寿问题 6park.com

最后,苏沙克建议,“养老金所有者应该考虑他们在退休时可以获得的其他收入来源的类型和金额。所有收入来源,包括养老金,都应该根据退休时的预期支出水平来考虑。” 6park.com

您将收到哪种社会保障付款? 您的其他退休账户中有什么?它们的安全性如何? 总体而言,这笔养老金在您的退休计划中处于什么位置? 6park.com

这些问题有助于确定您应该在多大程度上优先考虑每月付款的安全性而不是一次性付款的潜在机会。 如果您有其他重要的收入来源,您可能需要选择一次性付款并进行投资。 另一方面,如果这是您退休计划的重要组成部分,那么明智的做法可能是优先考虑年金支付的安全性而不是收购的投资机会。 6park.com

底线 6park.com

您是否应该购买养老金取决于您何时获得养老金以及您的预期寿命等许多因素。 对于大多数养老金来说,雇主越早提供买断,交易就越好。 但您越接近退休年龄,您可能越想优先考虑每月付款。 6park.com

退休计划技巧 6park.com

财务顾问可以帮助您制定未来的退休计划。 寻找财务顾问并不难。 SmartAsset 的免费工具可为您匹配最多三名经过审查的为您所在地区提供服务的财务顾问,并且您可以与您的顾问进行免费的介绍性通话,以决定您认为哪一位最适合您。 如果您准备好寻找可以帮助您实现财务目标的顾问,请立即开始。 6park.com

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/48-000-lump-sum-462-113000113.html 6park.com

Should I Take a $48,000 Lump Sum or $462 Monthly Payments for a Pension Annuity? 6park.com


92 6park.com

Eric Reed 6park.com

Thu, October 5, 2023 at 4:30 AM PDT·6 min read 6park.com


Buyout decisions have become increasingly common for those with a pension plan. If you get this offer, the most important questions to deal with include when you would you receive the payout, and how long you expect to live. The earlier you would receive a lump sum payout, the more it will be worth to you in retirement. On the other hand, the longer you live to collect monthly payments, they can add up to be higher over time. So as an example, if you’ve been offered $48,000 in exchange for waiving a $462 monthly payment, you may want to play the percentages and take a buyout if you’re above a certain age. Otherwise, monthly payments might be the preferable way to go 6park.com


Do you have questions about your retirement plans? Speak with a financial advisor today. 6park.com


Should You Take the Lump Sum or Monthly Payments? 6park.com

A pension plan is a retirement benefit offered by some employers. Basically, it offers you a guaranteed amount of money every month starting in retirement and lasting for the rest of your life. 6park.com


Increasingly, as a way of saving money, companies are offering their current and former employees an option known as a "buyout." This means they’ll pay you a lump sum up front in exchange for any other payments. For example, you might have these two hypothetical choices: 6park.com


Monthly Payments: $462 per month for life, starting when you retire 6park.com


Lump Sum Buyout: $48,000 immediately, with no further payments 6park.com


The question is, what should you do with an offer like this? 6park.com


"There are a number of important points to evaluate before choosing either a lump sum or annuity payment," Jeremy L. Suschak of DBR & Co. told SmartAsset. "First, the owner of the pension should consider their health. It is critical to think about this first since health-related factors could end up making the financial tradeoffs moot." 6park.com


Pension Value Is Based on Longevity 6park.com

Suschak raises an issue known as longevity risk. Essentially, the value of a monthly pension is based on how long you will live. You don’t need to worry about bankruptcy risk, as the federal government's Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation insures monthly payments well above $462. 6park.com

For instance, say that you start collecting your pension at the age of 67. Someone in good health can potentially expect to live another 25 years, making this pension worth $138,600, at $462 a month over that time. But that may only be true for someone in good health. If you expect to live, say, another 10 years, then this same pension is worth just $55,440. So the healthier you are, the more this pension is likely worth.

Longevity risk and your personal risk tolerance are important items to understand when making a crucial decision for your upcoming retirement. A financial advisor can help you understand these terms and build a plan for the future.

Lump Sum Value Is Based on Payout Date



Let’s assume you have no cost of living adjustments on the pension annuity or rate of return on the lump sum payment. Then, at $462 a month and $5,544 annually, you need to reach 8.65 years to have the pension payments break even with a $48,000 lump sum payment.

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"In this simplified scenario, when the retiree’s life expectancy is less than 8.65 years, the lump sum would be preferred," Bryan M. Kuderna, founder of Kuderna Financial Team, said.

This analysis represents the payout date issue, as the value of any buyout is based on when you would collect it. If you receive this buyout at or near retirement and withdraw $462 per month, even with a 10% rate of return, the money would only last about 14 years.

On the other hand, say you are offered the same buyout at age 37 and put the entire amount into an S&P 500 index fund with a historical average annual return of 10%. By age 67 when you might want to retire, it would be worth $837,571 if you didn’t contribute anything extra.

With these numbers, the sweet spot is around 14 years. If received at age 53, assuming the same standard S&P 500 return, a $48,000 lump sum can grow to about $182,000. That's the breakeven point where your lump sum investment will exceed the amount you'd collect over a reasonable life expectancy.

Other Income and Longevity Concerns to Manage

Finally, suggests Suschak, "pension owners should think about the type and amount of other income streams available to them in retirement. All income sources, including the pension, should be considered in relation to the anticipated level of spending in retirement."

What kind of Social Security payments will you receive? What do you have in other retirement accounts, and how secure are they? Overall, where does this pension fit into your retirement plans?

These questions help define how much you should prioritize the security of a monthly payment over the potential opportunity of a lump sum. If you have significant other sources of income, you might want to choose a lump sum and invest it. On the other hand, if this is a significant part of your retirement plan, it may be wise to prioritize the security of the annuity payments over the investment opportunities of the buyout.

Bottom Line

Whether you should take a pension buyout depends on when it’s offered to you and your life expectancy, among many other factors. For most pensions, the earlier your employer offers the buyout, the better a deal it can be. But the closer you are to retirement age, the more you may want to prioritize monthly payments.

Retirement Planning Tips

A financial advisor can help you build a retirement plan for the future. Finding a financial advisor doesn't have to be hard. SmartAsset's free tool matches you with up to three vetted financial advisors who serve your area, and you can have a free introductory call with your advisor matches to decide which one you feel is right for you. If you're ready to find an advisor who can help you achieve your financial goals, get started now.


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