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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-11-29 16:13 已读 6904 次 3 赞  


《我是你放牧的那朵云》 I'm The Cloud You Shepherd 6park.com

词 : 陈道斌 (Lyrics : Chen Daobin) 曲 : 乌力格尔 (Music : Wuliger) 唱 : 云飞 (Singer : Yun Fei) 谱 : •http://www.jianpuw.com/htm/kt/530231.htm 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aaba)—————• 6park.com

寂寞是一把马头琴 Lonesome is a horsehead fiddle¹, 6park.com

琴弦上流淌骏马的嘶鸣 From its strings out flow the neighs of horses. 6park.com

马背上的那段岁月 Those years I was on the horseback, 6park.com

唱不尽父辈心中的未了情 Couldn't sing all the olde songs of wistful love. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abbc)—————• 6park.com

思念是一首牧歌 Yearning is a pastoral song, 6park.com

歌声里盛开鲜花的爱情 From the song out bloom the flowers of love. 6park.com

毡房的那缕炊烟 That whiff of stove smoke from the ger², 6park.com

约定着男人的草原女人的梦 Is an oath between a man's steppe and a woman's dream. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : abcc)—————• 6park.com

为你再次拉响马头琴 I play for you again the horsehead fiddle, 6park.com

伴随古老.. 古老长调的乡音 Backed with the native tune of ancient long song³. 6park.com

沿着开满思念花香的小路 Walking the path dotted with flowers of yearning, 6park.com

你为我开启回家的门.. 回家的门 You open for me the door upon my homecoming. 6park.com

•———[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : abaa a)———• 6park.com

给我再次斟满马奶酒 Please fill my cup again with the horse milk wine⁴, 6park.com

相约头顶.. 头顶满天的星星 Make a vow with the sky-full of stars as witness. 6park.com

不管风从身旁何时走过 Whenever the wind passes you by, 6park.com

我是你今生放牧的那朵云.. 那朵云 I'm the cloud.. the cloud you shepherd in this life.. in this life. 6park.com

我是你今生放牧的那朵云.. 那朵云 I'm the cloud.. the cloud you shepherd in this life.. in this life. 6park.com

Translated by ck 2021-11-06 •==================================• 6park.com

White clouds in the blue sky, white sheep on the green steppes.. an interesting analogy for an emotive expression. 6park.com

Notes :  6park.com

1. Horsehead fiddle : also called “Morin Khuur” in Mongolian, is a traditional Mongolian bowed stringed instrument, considered an important cultural symbol of the Mongol people. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morin_khuur 6park.com

2. Ger : Mongolian name for yurt, meaning “home”. Ger/yurt is a portable, round tent covered with skins or felt and used as a dwelling by several distinct nomadic groups in the steppes of Central Asia. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yurt 6park.com

3. Long Song : The Mongolian "Long Song" is a folk song genre in which the tune is long-drawn out with scanty lyrics, to express the feelings of vastness and openness of the steppes.  6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_song 6park.com

4. Horse milk wine : also called “Airag” in Mongolian, “Kumis” in Turkic, is a wine made of fermented horse milk of low alcoholic content (<3%). It is a favorite drink for the peoples of Central Asian steppes.  •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis 6park.com

———————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

寂寞是一 - 把马头琴 (8) Lonesome is a - horsehead fiddle, (8) 6park.com

琴弦上流淌 - 骏马的嘶鸣 (10) From its strings out flow - the neighs of horses. (10) 6park.com

马背上的 - 那段岁月 (8) Those years I was - on the horseback, (8) 6park.com

唱不尽父辈 - 心中的 - 未了情 (11) Couldn't sing all the - olde songs of - wistful love. (11) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

思念是一 - 首牧歌 (7) Yearning is a - pastoral song, (8) 6park.com

歌声里盛开 - 鲜花的爱情 (10) From the song out bloom - the flowers of love. (10) 6park.com

毡房的 - 那缕炊烟 (7) That whiff of stove - smoke from the ger, (8) 6park.com

约定着 - 男人的草原 - 女人的梦 (12) Is an oath - between a man's steppe - and a woman's dream. (13) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 3 ]—————————• 6park.com

为你 - 再次 - 拉响马头琴 (9) I play for - you again - the horsehead fiddle, (11) 6park.com

伴随古老..- 古老长调的 - 乡音 (11) Backed with the native - tune of ancient - long song. (11) 6park.com

沿着开满 - 思念 - 花香的小路 (11) Walking the path - dotted with - flowers of yearning, (12) 6park.com

你为我开启 - 回家的门..- 回家的门 (13) You open for me - the door upon - my homecoming. (13) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 4 ]——————• 6park.com

给我 - 再次 - 斟满马奶酒 (9) Please fill my - cup again - with the horse milk wine, (11) 6park.com

相约头顶..- 头顶满天的 - 星星 (11) Make a vow with the - sky-full of stars as - witness. (12) 6park.com

不管风从 - 身旁 - 何时走过 (10) Whenever - the wind - passes you by, (9) 6park.com

我是你今生 - 放牧的那朵云..- 那朵云 (14) I'm the cloud.. the cloud - you shepherd in this life.. in this life. (14) 6park.com

我是你今生 - 放牧的那朵云..- 那朵云 (14) I'm the cloud.. the cloud - you shepherd in this life.. in this life. (14) 6park.com

•==================================• 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2021_11_29 17:00:32编辑 6park.com

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