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《岭 • 格萨尔》 King Of Ling • Gesaer* 6park.com

词 : 二毛 (Lyrics : Er Mao) 曲 : 扎西多杰 (Music : Tashi Dorjie) 唱 : 泽旺拉姆 (Singer : Tsewang Lhamo) 谱 : .... 暂无 .... 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aaabaaa)————• 6park.com

这是一个夜晚 This is a night in which the world 6park.com

世界出奇的自然 is so in tune with nature. 6park.com

没有声音 , 没有动机.. 唔... There is no sound, no thought either.. hmm... 6park.com

土蕃的女人.. 土蕃的女人 Tibetan women in such a moment, 6park.com

此刻只需要温柔 They need only tenderness, 6park.com

哦 , 此刻不需要坚强 Oh, they don't need any toughness. 6park.com

这都是你的恩泽啊 All these because of your graciousness. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abba)————• 6park.com

岭 • 格萨尔 King of Ling! Gesaer, 6park.com

为什么我们还要迷离 ? Why is it that we are still at a loss ? 6park.com

为什么 , 为什么.. 我们还要迷离 ? Why is it, why is it.. we are still at a loss ? 6park.com

噢.. 为什么相互掩去泪光 ? Oh.. why do we hide tears from each other ? 6park.com

•————[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabbbab)————• 6park.com

这是一个梦境 This is a dream in which the world 6park.com

世界如此的平淡 is so basic and simple. 6park.com

面目清晰 , 万物默然.. 唔... Features so clear, all are silent.. hmm... 6park.com

土蕃的男人.. 土蕃的男人 Tibetan men, oh in such a moment, 6park.com

此刻只需要关怀 They just need care and concern, 6park.com

啊 , 此刻不需要风雪 Ah, they don't need any blizzard. 6park.com

这都是你的疆土啊 All of these belong to your kingdom. 6park.com

•————[ Stanzas 4, 5 ] (Rhyme : abba)————• 6park.com

岭 • 格萨尔 King of Ling! Gesaer, 6park.com

为什么我们还在路上 ? Why is it that we are still on the road ? 6park.com

为什么 , 为什么.. 我们还在路上 ? Why is it, why is it.. we are still on the road ? 6park.com

噢.. 为什么背着千年的帐房 ? Oh.. why do we bear the tents of millennia ? 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 5 ]—• 6park.com

背着千年的帐房 ? Bear the tents of millennia ? 6park.com


Translated by ck 2021-11-24 •==================================• 6park.com

* Gesaer : (also spelled Gesar, Geser, or Kesar) was a legendary king of the Tibetan people believed to be born in the 11th century CE in Golog Prefecture of Qinghai Province. Being from a poor herder family, he went through hardship of life during childhood, but ascended the throne of Kingdom of Ling by way of horserace while a teenager. Many heroic good deeds were accomplished during his reign, and his kingdom extended to an ever wider area. He had been highly revered since then throughout various Tibetan regions as their demigod and protector. The Kingdom of Ling was located in the Kham region between the Yangzi River (长江) and Yalong River (雅砻江). An historical kingdom of Lingtang (岭塘) had existed until the 20th century. (In Tibetan, “Ling” means “island”, but as with the Sanskrit word “dvīpa”, it can also mean “continent”.) 6park.com

The stories of Gesaer is well depicted in the “Epic of King Gesaer”, and spread to other Chinese ethnic minorities such as Bai (白族), Naxi (纳西族), Pumi (普米族), Lisu (傈僳族), Yugur (裕固族), and Salar (撒拉族). Versions of the epic are also recorded among the Balti of Baltistan, the Burusho people of Hunza and Gilgit, and the Ladakhi people in Sikkim, Bhutan, Nepal ; and among various Tibeto-Burmese, Turkic, and Tungus tribes. The epic is composed of a very large body of versions, each with many variants, and is reputed by some to be the longest in the world. The Chinese compilation so far of just its Tibetan versions has filled some 120 volumes, more than one million verses. 6park.com

•https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_of_King_Gesar 6park.com

•https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golog_Tibetan_Autonomous_Prefecture 6park.com

查 wiki: 史诗《格萨尔王》 6park.com

根据故事的描述和当地人民的传说,格萨尔王的出生地很可能就是中国四川.甘孜.德格县的阿须乡。他灵魂安息的山就是 阿尼玛卿山 的 果洛峰。甘孜一带的林葱土司奉格萨尔王为始祖。 6park.com

尽管该史诗在整个藏语地区都广为流传,但康巴和安多藏区长期以来一直被认为是其传播的中心地带,传统确实将 格萨尔 与 岭国 (藏文 : གླིང) 联系在一起。在藏语中,“Ling” 的意思是“岛屿”,但与梵文 “dvīpa” 一词一样,可以具有“大陆”的次要含义。岭国 在西藏的东部,位于长江和雅砻江之间的康巴地区的一个小王国。灵塘 (藏文 : གླིང་ཚང) 的历史王国一直存在到20世纪。 6park.com

———————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

这是一个 - 夜 - 晚 (6) This is a night - in which - the world (8) 6park.com

世界 - 出奇的 - 自然 (7) is so - in tune with - nature. (7) 6park.com

没有声音 ,- 没有动机.. 唔... (9) There is no sound, - no thought either.. hmm... (9) 6park.com

土蕃的女人..- 土蕃的女人 (10) Tibetan women - in such a moment, (10) 6park.com

此刻只需要 - 温柔 (7) They need only ten - derness, (7) 6park.com

哦 , 此刻不需要 - 坚强 (8) Oh, they don't need any - toughness. (8) 6park.com

这都是 - 你的 - 恩泽啊 (8) All these because - of your - graciousness. (9) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

岭 • 格萨尔 (4) King of Ling! - Gesaer, (6) 6park.com

为什么 - 我们还要 - 迷离 ? (9) Why is it - that we are still - at a loss ? (10) 6park.com

为什么 ,- 为什么..- 我们还要 - 迷离 ? (12) Why is it, - why is it..- we are still at - a loss ? (12) 6park.com

噢.. 为什么 - 相互 - 掩去泪光 ? (10) Oh.. why do we - hide tears - from each other ? (10) 6park.com

•—————[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ]——————• 6park.com

这是一个 - 梦 - 境 (6) This is a dream - in which - the world (8) 6park.com

世界 - 如此的 - 平淡 (7) is so - basic and - simple. (7) 6park.com

面目清晰 ,- 万物默然.. 唔... (9) Features so clear, - all are silent.. hmm... (9) 6park.com

土蕃的男人..- 土蕃的男人 (10) Tibetan men, oh - in such a moment, (10) 6park.com

此刻只需要 - 关怀 (7) They just need care and - concern, (7) 6park.com

啊 , 此刻不需要 - 风雪 (8) Ah, they don't need any - blizzard. (8) 6park.com

这都是 - 你的 - 疆土啊 (8) All of these be - long to - your kingdom. (9) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 4, 5 ]————————• 6park.com

岭 • 格萨尔 (4) King of Ling! - Gesaer, (6) 6park.com

为什么 - 我们还在 - 路上 ? (9) Why is it - that we are still - on the road ? (10) 6park.com

为什么 ,- 为什么..- 我们还在 - 路上 ? (12) Why is it, - why is it..- we are still on - the road ? (12) 6park.com

噢.. 为什么 - 背着 - 千年的帐房 ? (11) Oh.. why do we - bear the - tents of millennia ? (11) 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 5 ]—• 6park.com

背着 - 千年的 - 帐房 ? (7) Bear the - tents of - millennia ? (7) 6park.com

贴主:午夜剑客于2021_12_15 16:37:58编辑

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