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欣赏+翻译《久别的草原 》游子的思念
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-01-10 16:38 已读 6477 次 4 赞  



《久别的草原 》
Grassland Long-Parted 6park.com

词/曲 : 邢力均 (Lyrics : Xing Lijun) 唱 : 忢訫 (Singer : Wu Xin) 谱 : •https://m.cnscore.com/Score/Show/?FileName=7bxlgjggxsyg 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : abac)—————• 6park.com

还是那么辽阔 白云和蓝天 Still so immense the blue sky dotted with white clouds, 6park.com

还是那么宽广 草海绿无边 Still so sweeping the sea of endless green meadows. 6park.com

还是那么熟悉 故乡的容颜 Still so familiar the look of my hometown, 6park.com

还是那么亲切 母语多温暖 Still so warm and heartfelt the sound of mother tongue. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abab)—————• 6park.com

久别的草原 , 亲亲的草原 Long-parted grassland, beloved grassland, 6park.com

漂泊的游子 又回到你身边 Your drifting daughter's coming back to your side, 6park.com

曾经生我养我的 这片土地 The land that birthed and raised me.. oh, this dear land, 6park.com

我的心时刻 把你思念 You are always in my heart, always on my mind. 6park.com

•——[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : aabb)——• 6park.com

依然这样清爽 微风轻拂面 Still so bracing the breezes that caress my face, 6park.com

依然这样动听 牧歌醉心田 Still so dulcet the idylls that intoxicate. 6park.com

依然这样甘甜 家乡的河水 Still so sweet the taste of my hometown rivers, 6park.com

依然这样美丽 牧场如画卷 Still so beautiful the picturesque pastures. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : abab)—————• 6park.com

久别的草原 , 亲亲的草原 Long-parted grassland, beloved grassland, 6park.com

难忘的童年 印刻在我心间 Engraved in my heart my childhood memories. 6park.com

总是魂牵梦绕的 这片草原 Always lingers in my dreams.. oh, this grassland, 6park.com

我的爱永远 把你眷恋 My love for you will last an eternity. 6park.com

.. 把你眷恋 .. Eternity. . . . Translated by ck 2023-01-18 •==================================• 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse.  6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

还是那么 - 辽阔 - 白云和蓝天 (11) Still so immense - the blue sky - dotted with white clouds, (12) 6park.com

还是那么 - 宽广 - 草海绿无边 (11) Still so sweeping - the sea of - endless green meadows. (12) 6park.com

还是 - 那么熟悉 - 故乡的 - 容颜 (11) Still so - familiar - the look of - my hometown, (12) 6park.com

还是那么 - 亲切 - 母语多 - 温暖 (11) Still so warm and - heartfelt - the sound of - mother tongue. (12) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

久别的草原 ,- 亲亲的草原 (10) Long-parted grassland, - beloved grassland, (10) 6park.com

漂泊的游子 - 又回到 - 你身边 (11) Your drifting daughter's - coming back - to your side, (11) 6park.com

曾经生我 - 养我的 - 这片土地 (11) The land that birthed - and raised me..- oh, this dear land, (11) 6park.com

我的心 - 时刻 - 把你 - 思念 (9) You are always - in my heart, - always - on my mind. (12) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude • Stanza 3 ]——————• 6park.com

依然这样 - 清爽 - 微风轻拂面 (11) Still so bracing - the breezes - that caress my face, (12) 6park.com

依然这样 - 动听 - 牧歌醉心田 (11) Still so dulcet - the idylls - that intoxicate. (12) 6park.com

依然 - 这样甘甜 - 家乡的河水 (11) Still so - sweet the taste of - my hometown rivers, (11) 6park.com

依然这样 - 美丽 - 牧场如画卷 (11) Still so beauti - ful the - picturesque pastures. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 4 ]—————————• 6park.com

久别的草原 ,- 亲亲的草原 (10) Long-parted grassland, - beloved grassland, (10) 6park.com

难忘的童年 - 印刻在 - 我心间 (11) Engraved in my heart - my childhood - memories. (11) 6park.com

总是魂牵 - 梦绕的 - 这片草原 (11) Always lingers - in my dreams..- oh, this grassland, (11) 6park.com

我的爱 - 永远 - 把你眷恋 (9) My love for you - will last an - eternity. (11) 6park.com

.. 把你眷恋 (4) .. Eternity. (4) 6park.com


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