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送交者: 杰克_JK[♂☆★★无马甲的ID★★☆♂] 于 2024-02-17 12:19 已读 5347 次 4 赞  



》杰克独唱 》参考原唱:杰克傍歌星隔网同唱







Since you left years ago yeah, I've lost myself I lost you standing on this snowy mountain high, feel the icy wind blow, watching the boundless lake, with harsh wind biting my face, failing to see the sunny blue sky, on the highland I set myself free.  I keep in mind you have told me you would never ever leave from me. But with those migrate birds to the South you fly far away, like the cats that goes astray, your promise now is losing its way. I have waited long for the coming spring that brings me warm days. I wait until, the snow on mountain melts down into the sea. Our love is to fade away, never will we back to the past days, watching the boundless lake, with harsh wind biting my face, failing to see the sunny blue sky, on the highland I set myself free. 

I keep in mind you have told me you would never ever leave from me.  But with those, migrate birds to the South you fly far away, Like the cat that goes astray, your promise now is losing its way.  I have waited long for the coming spring that brings me warm days.  I wait until the now on mountain melts down into the sea. Our love is to fade away, never will we back to the past days.  I keep in mind you have told me you would never ever leave from me.  But with those, migrate birds to the South you fly far away, Like the cat that goes astray, your promise now is losing its way.  I have waited long for the coming spring that brings me warm days.  I wait until the snow on mountain melts down into the sea. Our love is to fade away, ever will we back to the past days.

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贴主:杰克_JK于2024_02_17 17:25:09编辑
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