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送交者: mingxiaot[♂★★★声望勋衔13★★★♂] 于 2021-04-06 14:49 已读 1416 次 3 赞  


Macarthur Really Did Want to Use Nuclear Weapons to Win the Korean War 6park.com

Key Point:Truman rightly shut that idea down and would later fire MacArthur. Winning was not worth that kind of cost.
https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/macarthur-really-did-want-use-nuclear-weapons-win-korean-war-135847 6park.com


In his 1964 book Gen. Douglas MacArthur (Gold Medal Books, Greenwich, Conn.), Bob Considine writes, “MacArthur’s final plan for winning the Korean War was outlined to this reporter in the course of an interview in 1954 on his 74th birthday. … ” “Of all the campaigns in my life—20 major ones to be exact—the one I felt the most sure of was the one I was deprived of waging properly. I could have won the war in Korea in a maximum of 10 days, once the campaign was under way, and with considerably fewer casualties than were suffered during the so-called truce period. It would have altered the course of history."  6park.com

The Nuclear Solution 6park.com

“The enemy’s air would first have been taken out. I would have dropped between 30 to 50 tactical atomic bombs on his air bases and other depots strung across the neck of Manchuria from just across the Yalu at Antung (northwest tip of Korea) to the neighborhood of Hunchun (northeast tip of Korea near the border of the USSR).

鲍勃·康斯丁(Bob Considine)在他1964年的著作《道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟(Gen. Douglas MacArthur)》(金牌书籍,格林维治,康涅狄格州)中写道:“1954年,麦克阿瑟在他74岁生日时对这位记者概述了他赢得朝鲜战争的最终计划。,……”“在我一生经历的所有战役中(确切地说达20次之多),我感触最深的一次是被剥夺了(获得胜利的)权力。 战役一旦开始(可能应该是:按照我的方案开始,注),我最多可以在10天内赢得朝鲜战争,伤亡人数要比所谓的休战时期少得多。 它将改变历史的进程。” 6park.com

“敌人的气焰(也🉑️能是指空军)将首先被扑灭。 沿着满洲的瓶颈口,从安东的鸭绿江(朝鲜西北端)到晖春附近(边界附近的朝鲜东北端) 苏联),我会在他们的空军基地和其他军事补给地投掷30到50枚战术原子弹。” 6park.com


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