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我在 2022 年在线交易了加密货币,没收到 1099-B,我是否必须向 IRS 报告交易-问题
送交者: nowhere1[♂☆★★✦娱乐人生✦★★☆♂] 于 2023-03-17 17:29 已读 16652 次  


我在 2022 年在线交易了加密货币,但没有收到 1099-B,我是否必须向 IRS 报告交易?
是的,即使您没有收到 1099-B 表格,您也需要向 IRS 报告您的加密货币交易。 美国国税局认为加密货币是出于税收目的的财产,这意味着涉及加密货币的交易受资本利得税规则的约束。 这意味着,如果你在 2022 年出售、交换或处置加密货币,你可能会发生应税事件,并且必须在你的纳税申报表中报告。 6park.com

您可以使用表格 8949 和纳税申报表的附表 D 报告您的加密货币交易。 您将需要提供每笔交易的信息,包括收购日期、出售日期、出售收益以及加密货币的成本基础。 您还需要计算每笔交易的资本收益或损失。 6park.com

重要的是要注意,未能在纳税申报表上报告加密货币交易可能会导致罚款和利息。 美国国税局近年来也更加关注加密货币交易,因此确保您遵守税法非常重要。 6park.com

国税局没有办法查出我在加密货币上的交易,我的成本和利润,他们怎么知道的? 诚然,美国国税局可能无法直接访问有关您的加密货币交易、成本和利润的信息,尤其是当这些交易是在去中心化交易所或使用以隐私为重点的加密货币时进行的。 然而,美国国税局近年来已采取措施提高其监控和强制遵守与加密货币相关的税法的能力。 6park.com

例如,美国国税局已向可能从事加密货币交易但未在纳税申报表中报告的纳税人发出信函,要求他们修改申报表或提供额外信息。 美国国税局还使用数据分析工具来识别潜在的违规行为,包括分析来自加密货币交易所和其他来源的数据。 6park.com

此外,许多加密货币交易所现在需要通过 1099-K 表格向 IRS 报告某些交易,例如价值超过 20,000 美元的交易。 这意味着,如果你在受监管的交易所进行加密货币交易,美国国税局可能会获得有关你交易的一些信息。 6park.com

请务必注意,未能在纳税申报表上报告加密货币交易可能会产生严重后果,包括罚款和利息。 咨询税务专业人士或会计师以确保您遵守所有相关税法始终是个好主意。

i traded cryto currency online in 2022, but no 1099-B received, do I have to report transactions to IRS? 6park.com



Yes, you are required to report your cryptocurrency transactions to the IRS even if you did not receive a 1099-B form. The IRS considers cryptocurrency to be property for tax purposes, which means that transactions involving cryptocurrency are subject to capital gains tax rules. This means that if you sold, exchanged, or disposed of cryptocurrency in 2022, you may have a taxable event and must report it on your tax return.

You can report your cryptocurrency transactions using Form 8949 and Schedule D of your tax return. You will need to provide information on each transaction, including the date of acquisition, the date of sale, the proceeds of the sale, and the cost basis of the cryptocurrency. You will also need to calculate your capital gains or losses for each transaction.

It's important to note that failure to report cryptocurrency transactions on your tax return can result in penalties and interest. The IRS has also increased its focus on cryptocurrency transactions in recent years, so it's important to make sure you are in compliance with tax laws. 6park.com


IRS does not have way to find out my transactions on cryto currency, my costs and profit, how do they know? 6park.com

It's true that the IRS may not have direct access to information about your cryptocurrency transactions, costs, and profits, especially if they were conducted on decentralized exchanges or using privacy-focused cryptocurrencies. However, the IRS has taken steps in recent years to increase its ability to monitor and enforce compliance with tax laws related to cryptocurrency.

For example, the IRS has sent letters to taxpayers who may have engaged in cryptocurrency transactions but failed to report them on their tax returns, requesting that they amend their returns or provide additional information. The IRS has also used data analysis tools to identify potential noncompliance, including analyzing data from cryptocurrency exchanges and other sources.

Furthermore, many cryptocurrency exchanges are now required to report certain transactions to the IRS, such as those exceeding $20,000 in value, through Form 1099-K. This means that if you conducted cryptocurrency transactions on a regulated exchange, the IRS may have access to some information about your transactions.

It's important to note that failing to report cryptocurrency transactions on your tax return can have serious consequences, including penalties and interest. It's always a good idea to consult with a tax professional or accountant to ensure that you are in compliance with all relevant tax laws. 6park.com

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