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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2024-05-02 20:49 已读 3536 次 4 赞  



About Erdao Bridge* 6park.com

词/曲/唱 : 刀郎       (Lyrics/Music/Singer : Dao Lang) 谱 : •http://sooopu.com/html/344/344017.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : abab)—————• 6park.com

为了十年前二道桥 你迷人的一笑 Ten years ago at Erdao Bridge, that fetching smile of yours... 6park.com

十年后 , 我徘徊在这无人的街道 Ten years forth, I'm still lingering on this empty street. 6park.com

如果不是天上的月牙儿象你的眉毛 Had the crescent moon not resembled the eyebrows of yours, 6park.com

我绝不会在寂静的夜里听到我心跳 I would not be here in the dead of night hearing my heartbeat. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abba)—————• 6park.com

不是每一个多情的男人都为爱放弃 Not all passionate men would give up for the sake of love, 6park.com

放弃曾经拥有的一切 , 远涉千万里 Giving up all he has, and comes a thousand miles for you. 6park.com

也许你会轻轻地问 我究竟多爱你 Maybe you will gently ask me, how much I love you, 6park.com

也许十年的时光流逝 能表明我心意 Maybe my ten years' wait would be enough to show my truthfulness. 6park.com

•————[ Stanzas 3, 4 ] (Rhyme : abca)————• 6park.com

如今这条繁华的街道越来越美丽 Now this busy old street is getting more and more charming, 6park.com

人来人往的巴扎儿上却看不见你身影 But in the lively bustling bazaar, you are nowhere to be seen. 6park.com

我从寂静冷清的夜里等到了黎明 Through the quiet and deserted night, I wait till daybreak, 6park.com

不知第一缕晨曦能否点亮我的爱情 I don't know if the first ray of dawn will have my love shining. 6park.com

我的爱情... Oh, my love... . . . Translated by ck 2020-12-31 •===================================• 6park.com

* Erdao Bridge is a market place in the heart of Urumuqi, Xinjiang Province, in western China.  6park.com

•https://www.topchinatravel.com/china-attractions/erdaoqiao-bazaar.htm 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated lyrics. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

为了十年前 - 二道桥 - 你迷人的一笑 (14) Ten years ago at - Erdao Bridge, - that fetching smile of yours... (14) 6park.com

十年后 - 我徘徊在这 - 无人的街道 (13) Ten years forth, - I'm still lingering - on this empty street. (13) 6park.com

如果不是 - 天上的 - 月牙儿 - 象你的眉毛 (15) Had the crescent - moon not - resembled - the eyebrows of yours, (14) 6park.com

我绝不会在 - 寂静的夜里 - 听到我心跳 (15) I would not be here - in the dead of night - hearing my heartbeat. (15) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

不是每一个 - 多情的男人 - 都为爱放弃 (15) Not all passionate - men would give up - for the sake of love, (14) 6park.com

放弃曾经 - 拥有的一切, - 远涉千万里 (14) Giving up all - he has, and comes a - thousand miles for you. (14) 6park.com

也许你会 - 轻轻地问我 - 究竟多爱你 (14) Maybe you will - gently ask me, - how much I love you, (13) 6park.com

也许十年的 - 时光流逝 - 能表明我心意 (15) Maybe my ten years' - wait would be enough - to show my truthfulness. (16) 6park.com

•————————[ Stanzas 3, 4 ]————————• 6park.com

如今这条 - 繁华的街道 - 越来越美丽 (14) Now this busy - old street is getting - more and more charming, (14) 6park.com

人来人往的 - 巴扎儿上 - 却看不见 - 你身影 (16) But in the lively - bustling bazaar, - you are nowhere - to be seen. (16) 6park.com

我从寂静 - 冷清的夜里 - 等到了黎明 (14) Through the quiet - and deserted night, - I wait till daybreak, (14) 6park.com

不知第 - 一缕晨曦 - 能否 - 点亮我的爱情 (15) I don't know - if the first ray - of dawn - will have my love shining. (15) 6park.com

我的 - 爱情... (4) Oh, - my love... (3) 6park.com

•==================================• 6park.com

查百度: 6park.com

乌鲁木齐市的“二道桥”、“山西巷子”一带自清末民初时起,就是南北疆少数民族及西亚、中亚地区的物物交换中心。历尽100多年的变迁,如今以二道桥市场为中心的民族商业区,更是以其浓郁的民族特色和新疆地域风情吸引着众多的中外游客。“二道桥子” 这个地名在民间已使用了近100年。 6park.com

当年在东与南门巷交叉,西和天池路相会的十字路口,有一座木质的桥梁,桥南北走向,宽2.5米,跨度为3米多。桥面两侧有木栏杆,桥下有一股从东面 “二道湾” 流下来的清水,通过南市巷小渠,从桥下顺天池路水渠向西流去,直灌乌鲁木齐河(现河滩公路),这座木桥就是 “二道桥”。之所以称为“二道桥”,是因为当年在南梢门子外还有一座木质桥,大小与二道桥相仿,叫“头道桥”。  6park.com

二道桥市场始于清代宣统年间。因其浓郁的民族特色,活泛的商业形态,古丝绸之路上的重要驿站而闻名遐尔,汇聚中亚商品及本地产品,成为中外商贾在西域必经之处。吐鲁番的葡萄、哈密的瓜、喀什的土布、和田的地毯丝绸、库车的胰子(土制肥皂) 、焉耆的蘑菇... 皆是二道桥市场的特色产品,而俄罗斯的盖子布、巴基斯坦的铜器、土耳其的首饰则是具有异国情调的商品。百年的时光造就了二道桥市场灿烂的历史。 6park.com

刀郎在新疆,接触到木卡姆的基础理论之后,对自己的音乐创作有了全新的理解。也是从那时候起,开始全面的转向民族音乐。这首《关于二道桥》,正是那时候的代表作。 6park.com

刀郎擅长将民族地域性的音乐与流行音乐的大胆创新和尝试融合,尤其能通过真实生活的点滴来感悟及创作,如这首《关于二道桥》。 —————————————————————————
贴主:午夜剑客于2024_05_02 21:03:41编辑

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