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送交者: 佛祖心中L[☆★声望品衔7★☆] 于 2024-03-21 17:53 已读 3977 次 3 赞  


Here’s another Inner Mongolian folk song I translated from the Chinese original "草原夜色美" that was first published in 2003. This translation was performed by an artificial voice, but I believe that a live rendition featuring human vocals and instrumental accompaniment would greatly enhance its beauty. I'm open to collaborations to bring this song to life in its translated form. Here’s the complete translation

Grasslands at night, a sight so fine

Guitar and flute beneath stars align

Evening winds carry starlight's shine

Into yurts where silver glimmers entwine

Ah ha huo, ah ah ah ha huo-yi, ah ha huo, ah ah ha, ah ha huo-yi

Evening winds carry starlight's shine

Into yurts where silver glimmers entwine

Grasslands at night, bathed in moonlight so bright

Guiding dreams through tender twilight

Evening breezes on their gentle flight

Shepherd clouds at border far from sight

Ah ha huo, ah ah ah ha huo-yi, ah ha huo, ah ah ha, ah ha huo-yi

Evening breezes on their gentle flight

Shepherd clouds at border far from sight

Grasslands at night, where joy ignites

Before the golden cup delights

Evening songs a sweet respite

Riders tread the moon, slow to alight

Ah ha huo, ah ah ah ha huo-yi, ah ha huo, ah ah ha, ah ha huo-yi

Evening songs a swe t respite

Riders tread the moon, slow to alight

Riders tread the moon, slow to alight

Riders tread the moon, slow to alight

贴主:佛祖心中L于2024_03_21 18:00:18编辑

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