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椭圆机 - 你会用它反着跑吗?
送交者: 人二者无敌[♂☆★仁党精神领袖★☆♂] 于 2019-05-01 13:23 已读 1654 次 1 赞  


I recently read in Shape Magazine (monthly subscriber here!) that going backwards on the elliptical would be a good way to jazz up my crosstraining workout days. I decided to try this at the gym the very next day, 5 minutes forward and 2 backward for 6 cycles. I definitely felt the time pass quicker and more of a burn in my quads and calves. I also noticed my heart rate increased during the times I was moving backward. So I decided to do some research to see if I should permanently make this part of my crosstraining and the results have me a believer in moving that elliptical backwards! 6park.com

Any type of exercise you love; running, elliptical, biking will lose its effectiveness over time. Your body knows what to expect, muscular and cardiovascular wise. Shorts spurts of going backwards on the elliptical are like surprises for your body, and therefore a better workout. 6park.com

Using the elliptical forwards works your gluts and hamstrings, while backward works your calves and quads. There is also a great cardio burst from working backwards. A study put out by Penn State found that an athlete walking forward at a given pace enabling the heart rate to 106 bpm will find a heart rate of 156 if walking backward at the same given pace. That’s a nice boost in calorie burning! 6park.com

Elliptical can also be a great core workout. Forwards elliptical motion, without using the static or moving handles will constantly be engaging your core to keep you upright. Watch your posture if using the handles, especially with fatigue it’s really easy to let your upper body lean in and disengage your core. Just the act of pedaling backwards will improve your elliptical posture and engage your core, even more so if not holding on to handles. 6park.com

If you are recovering from a hamstring or hip injury the elliptical can be a great option for you. On an elliptical your overall hip joint motion needs are decreased while still enabling power, speed, endurance and overall workout. 6park.com

So there really is something to using the elliptical backward as well as forward to jump start your cardio and lower body workout as well as a bit of core stability thrown in there. It’s definitely a favorite of mine for cross training days, and I will continue to backwards pedal my way to a healthy body! 6park.com

我最近在Shape Magazine(这里的月刊订阅者)上阅读,在椭圆机上倒跑是一个很好的方式,它让我的交叉训练日充满活力。我决定第二天在健身房尝试这个,前进5分钟,后退2分钟,6组。我觉得时间过得更快,让我的四头肌和小腿得到锻炼。我也注意到在我向后跑的时候我的心率增加了。所以我决定做一些研究,看看我是否应该永久地将这部分用于我的交叉训练中。而研究结果让我相信椭圆机倒跑真的不错! 6park.com

你喜欢的任何类型的运动,如跑步,椭圆形,骑自行车,都将随着时间的推移失去效力。因为你的身体,肌肉和心血管知道会发生什么。在椭圆机上倒退可以给你的身体带来惊喜。 6park.com

使用椭圆形向前跑可以锻炼你的大腿,而向后锻炼你的小腿和四肢。也可以让心率提升。宾夕法尼亚州立大学发布的一项研究发现,如果运动员以给定的速度向前走,可使心率达到106 bpm。如果以相同的速度向后走,则会发现心率为156。这对卡路里燃烧有很好的促进作用! 6park.com

椭圆机运动也可以是很好的核心肌群锻炼。前进椭圆运动而不使用手柄,这将不断需要您的核心肌肉的接合,才能让您保持直立。如果使用手柄,请注意您的姿势,尤其是疲劳时,上身倾斜会让您不使用您的核心肌肉。只是向后蹬踏的动作会改善你的椭圆形姿势并吸引你的核心肌,不抓住手柄更是如此。 6park.com

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