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I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go
送交者: 呼吸再呼吸[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-11-01 9:33 已读 436 次  



It may not be on the mountain height
Or over the stormy sea
It may not be at the battle's front
My Lord will have need of me
But if, by a still, small voice he calls
To paths that I do not know
I'll answer, dear Lord, with my hand in thine
I'll go where you want me to go

I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
Over mountain or plain or sea
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord
I'll be what you want me to be

Perhaps today there are loving words
Which Jesus would have me speak
There may be now in the paths of sin
Some wand'rer whom I should seek
O Savior, if thou wilt be my guide
Tho dark and rugged the way
My voice shall echo the message sweet
I'll say what you want me to say

I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
Over mountain or plain or sea
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord
I'll be what you want me to be

There's surely somewhere a lowly place
In earth's harvest fields so wide
Where I may labor through life's short day
For Jesus, the Crucified
So trusting my all to thy tender care
And knowing thou lovest me
I'll do thy will with a heart sincere
I'll be what you want me to be

I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord
Over mountain or plain or sea
I'll say what you want me to say, dear Lord
I'll be what you want me to be

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