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送交者: 呼吸再呼吸[品衔R2☆] 于 2020-01-13 8:58 已读 165 次  


The "establishment" is about more than just appeasement. It is part of the corrupt Globalist Cabal that is fighting to create a One World Government and Dictatorship, and, except for the ruling elite, transform us into serfs with no Constitution, no Bill of Rights, no Property Rights, nothing. (Ref. book: Fruits of Graft by Wayne Jett. According to Wayne, the Globalist Cabal has been attempting to destroy the Middle Class in America for more than a century.) If the Cabal succeeds in reducing the U.S. to a Third World Country by flooding us with poor desperate people who deplete our resources, treasury, and endless wars, we will all be destroyed, with; or without a war. That is the Plan, which explains why they want open borders. It has nothing to do with compassion. It is about power and control. The U.S. cannot take care of every needy person on the planet. The Trump Doctrine will make it possible for people to have Freedom, Prosperity and Democracy throughout the world in their own countries. There won't be a need to escape to ours. Recently, I read a report that Bank of America predicts that Globalism will end in 2020.
I pray that their prediction is correct.
“The "establishment" (https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%BB%BA%E5%88%B6)”不仅仅是绥靖主义。它是腐败的全球化主义者阴谋集团的一部分,它正在为建立一个世界政府和专政而斗争,除了统治精英之外,这使我们变成了没有宪法,没有权利法案,没有财产权,一无所有的农奴制。 (参考书:韦恩·杰特(Wayne Jett)的嫁接果实。根据韦恩的说法,全球主义者阴谋集团已经企图消灭美国的中产阶级已有一个多世纪了。)如果阴谋集团成功地将美国沦为第三世界国家,充斥着穷尽我们资源,库房和无休止战争的穷苦绝望的人,我们将全都被摧毁。或没有战争。那就是计划,它解释了他们为什么要开放边界。这与同情无关。这与功率和控制有关。美国不能照顾这个星球上的每个有需要的人。特朗普主义将使人们有可能在自己的国家中在世界各地享有自由,繁荣与民主。无需逃避我们的。最近,我读了一份报告,美国银行预测全球主义将在2020年结束。
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