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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-09-09 19:52 已读 2939 次 4 赞  


(这是另一首《青海情》, 不同于上次贴的) 

《青海情》 My Love For Qinghai* 6park.com

词 : 刘郎 (Lyrics : Liu Lang) 曲 : 刘郎, 德吉央宗       (Music : Liu Lang, Deji Yangzong) 唱 : 泽旺拉姆 (Singer : Tsewang Lhamo) 唱 : 郭艳华 (Singer : Guo Yanhua) 谱 : •http://www.sooopu.com/html/505/505221.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

长江黄河之源 是一片青色的海 There's a blue sea at the source of Yangzi and Yellow Rivers, 6park.com

虽然大美无言 , 自有风骨在 Though a wordless great beauty, you have character. 6park.com

有人说你是遥远的地方 People say you are so far.. far away, 6park.com

却有这四方的鸟儿安家来 But birds making homes here flock from everyplace. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

雪山草原之间 是一片银色的海 There's a silver sea between the snow peaks and the prairies, 6park.com

虽然大美无言 , 自有风骨在 Though a silent great beauty, you have chivalry. 6park.com

都因为先辈洒下了汗水 This rich land, with sweat our forebears had watered, 6park.com

才有这天光云影共徘徊 So the sky today is shinning with splendors. 6park.com

•—————[ Stanza 7 ] (Rhyme : aabb)—————• 6park.com

大路通向天边 , 穿过那金色的海 There's a golden sea traversed by the road to the sky's end, 6park.com

虽然大美无言 , 自有风骨在 Though a quiet great beauty, you have mental strength. 6park.com

都因为我们播种下梦想 This sweet land, on it our dreams are seeded, 6park.com

才有这一望无际花盛开 Today the blossoms in sight are just boundless. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 2, 5, 8 ] (Rhyme : abab)———• 6park.com

我和这一草一木 The grasses, the trees and I, 6park.com

都是高原的儿女 All are this highland's children. 6park.com

我和这一山一水 The mountains, the streams and I, 6park.com

都是大地的后代 All are this great land's descendants. 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 6, 9 ] (Rhyme : aabb)———• 6park.com

[3] 青色的海.. 青色的海        The blue sea.. the blue sea, [6] 银色的海.. 银色的海        The silver sea.. the silver sea, [9] 金色的海.. 金色的海        The golden sea.. the golden sea, 6park.com

高不过蓝天 , 宽不过海 High is the blue sky, wide is the sea, 6park.com

比不上我对你深深的爱.. But nothing's deeper than my love for you.. 6park.com

深深的爱 My love for you. 6park.com

[6]  .. 深深的爱 (4)        .. My love for you. (4) . . . Translated by ck 2023-09-06 •===================================• 6park.com

* Qinghai : a western province (pop. 6 millions) lying mainly on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, where the largest salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake locates (4317 km²). It is the headwater region (area 363,000 km², average elevation>4000 m) of the three mighty rivers (三江源) of Asia and the world : Yangzi River (6300 km), Yellow River (5464 km) and Lancang/Mekong River (4909 km). The numerous pristine lakes and marshlands here provide excellent refuges for many species of birds. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qinghai •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qinghai_Lake ————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

长江黄河 - 之源 - 是一片 - 青色的海 (13) There's a blue sea - at the source of - Yangzi and - Yellow Rivers, (15) 6park.com

虽然大美 - 无言 ,- 自有风骨在 (11) Though a wordless - great beauty, - you have character. (12) 6park.com

有人说 - 你是遥远的 - 地方 (10) People say - you are so far..- far away, (10) 6park.com

却有这四方 - 的鸟儿 - 安家来 (11) But birds making homes - here flock from - everyplace. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 4 ]—————————• 6park.com

雪山草原 - 之间 - 是一片 - 银色的海 (13) There's a silver - sea between - the snow peaks - and the prairies, (14) 6park.com

虽然大美 - 无言 ,- 自有风骨在 (11) Though a silent - great beauty, - you have chivalry. (12) 6park.com

都因为 - 先辈洒下了 - 汗水 (10) This rich land, - with sweat our forebears - had watered, (11) 6park.com

才有这天光 - 云影 - 共徘徊 (10) So the sky today is - shinning - with splendors. (11) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 7 ]—————————• 6park.com

大路通向 - 天边 ,- 穿过那 - 金色的海 (13) There's a golden - sea traversed - by the road - to the sky's end, (14) 6park.com

虽然大美 - 无言 ,- 自有风骨在 (11) Though a quiet - great beauty, - you have mental strength. (12) 6park.com

都因为 - 我们播种下 - 梦想 (10) This sweet land, - on it our dreams are - seeded, (10) 6park.com

才有这一望 - 无际 - 花盛开 (10) Today the blossoms in - sight are - just boundless. (11) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 2, 5, 8 ]————————• 6park.com

我和这一草 - 一木 (7) The grasses, the trees - and I, (7) 6park.com

都是高原的 - 儿女 (7) All are this highland's - children. (7) 6park.com

我和这一山 - 一水 (7) The mountains, the streams - and I, (7) 6park.com

都是大地的 - 后代 (7) All are this great land's - descendants. (8) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 6, 9 ]————————• 6park.com

[3] 青色的海.. 青色的海 (8)        The blue sea.. the blue sea, (6) [6] 银色的海.. 银色的海 (8)        The silver sea.. the silver sea, (8) [9] 金色的海.. 金色的海 (8)        The golden sea.. the golden sea, (8) 6park.com

高不过蓝天 ,- 宽不过海 (9) High is the blue sky, - wide is the sea, (9) 6park.com

比不上 - 我对你 - 深深的爱.. (10) But nothing's - deeper than - my love for you.. (10) 6park.com

深深的爱 (4) My love for you. (4) 6park.com

[6]  .. 深深的爱 (4)        .. My love for you. (4) 6park.com

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