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送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2023-12-24 1:30 已读 6414 次 2 赞  




风光片:飞越珠穆朗玛 (超高清)

Zhumulangma (Chomolungma)*¹ 6park.com

词 : 李幼容 (Lyrics : Li Yourong) 曲 : 臧云飞 (Music : Zang Yunfei) 谱 : •http://www.qupu123.com/Mobile-view-id-24794.html 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•——————[ Prelude : Chorus ]———————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 (2x) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma. (2x) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 1 ] (Rhyme : abbcc)—————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... 6park.com

你高耸在人心中 In people's hearts, you stand tall, 6park.com

你屹立在蓝天下 Under the blue, high you soar. 6park.com

你用爱的阳光 抚育格桑花 You nurture gesang¹ flowers with loving sunshine, 6park.com

你把美的月光 洒满喜马拉雅 You bathe Himalaya*² in fair, angelic moonlight. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 2 ] (Rhyme : abbab)—————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... 6park.com

我多想弹起神奇的弦子 I want to thrum the magical fiddle², 6park.com

向你倾诉着不老的情话 Pour out to you the ageless words of love. 6park.com

我爱你珠穆朗玛 I love you Zhumulangma, 6park.com

心中的珠穆朗玛 My heartfelt Goddess of the Earth. 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude : Chorus ]———————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 (2x) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma. (2x) 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 3 ] (Rhyme : abbbb)—————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... 6park.com

你走进亲人梦中 You're in the dreams of loved ones, 6park.com

你笑在高原藏家 You're in the smiles of Tibetans. 6park.com

你那堂堂正气 闪着太阳的光华 Your upstanding aura shines the radiance of the sun. 6park.com

你用阵阵清风 温暖大地妈妈 You breathe warmth*³ over Mother Earth with winds that freshen. 6park.com

•————[ Stanza 4 ] (Rhyme : abaaba)————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... 6park.com

我多想跳起热情的锅庄 I want to dance a Guozhuang³ of ardor, 6park.com

为你献一条洁白的哈达 And offer to you a pure white Hada⁴. 6park.com

献给你珠穆朗玛 Offer to you Zhumulangma, 6park.com

圣洁的珠穆朗玛 The sacred Goddess of the Earth. 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... . . . Translated by ck 2020-05-28 (Revised 2023-12-22) •===================================• (For footnotes, scroll to the bottom of the page.) 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•——————[ Prelude : Chorus ]———————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 (2x) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma. (2x) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 1 ]—————————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... (8) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... (8) 6park.com

你高耸 - 在人心中 (7) In people's - hearts, you stand tall, (7) 6park.com

你屹立 - 在蓝天下 (7) Under the - blue, high you soar. (7) 6park.com

你用爱的 - 阳光 - 抚育格桑花 (11) You nurture ge - sang flowers - with loving sunshine, (12) 6park.com

你把美的 - 月光洒满 - 喜马拉雅 (12) You bathe Hima - laya in fair, - angelic moonlight. (13) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 2 ]—————————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... (8) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... (8) 6park.com

我多想 - 弹起 - 神奇的 - 弦子 (10) I want to - thrum the - magical - fiddle, (10) 6park.com

向你 - 倾诉着 - 不老的 - 情话 (10) Pour out - to you the - ageless words - of love. (10) 6park.com

我爱你 - 珠穆朗玛 (7) I love you - Zhumulangma, (7) 6park.com

心中的 - 珠穆朗玛 (7) My heartfelt - Goddess of the Earth. (8) 6park.com

•——————[ Interlude : Chorus ]———————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛 (2x) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma. (2x) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 3 ]—————————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... (8) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... (8) 6park.com

你走进 - 亲人梦中 (7) You're in the - dreams of loved ones, (7) 6park.com

你笑在 - 高原藏家 (7) You're in the - smiles of Tibetans. (8) 6park.com

你那堂堂 - 正气闪着 - 太阳的光华 (13) Your upstanding - aura shines the - radiance of the sun. (13) 6park.com

你用阵阵 - 清风温暖 - 大地妈妈 (12) You breathe warmth o - ver Mother Earth - with winds that freshen. (13) 6park.com

•—————————[ Stanza 4 ]—————————• 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... (8) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... (8) 6park.com

我多想 - 跳起 - 热情的 - 锅庄 (10) I want to - dance a - Guozhuang of - ardor, (10) 6park.com

为你 - 献一条 - 洁白的 - 哈达 (10) And of - fer to you - a pure white - Hada. (9) 6park.com

献给你 - 珠穆朗玛 (7) Offer to you - Zhumulangma, (8) 6park.com

圣洁的 - 珠穆朗玛 (7) The sacred - Goddess of the Earth. (8) 6park.com

珠穆朗玛 , 珠穆朗玛... (8) Zhumulangma, Zhumulangma... (8) 6park.com

•===================================• Notes : 6park.com

*1. Mt. Zhumulangma/ Chomolungma : The tallest mountain in the world, standing at 8848 m in elevation, at the border between China and Nepal, the frontier of the Tibetan Plateau. While in the West it is commonly known as Mt. Everest since 1857, the Tibetan name “Chomolungma” has been in use since time immemorial, and recorded in Chinese annals at least as far back as 1721. In Tibetan language, “chomo” means “goddess”, and “lungma” means “the third peak” in a group of four at that locale. The whole name “Chomolungma” is variously interpreted as “Holy Mother”, “Goddess of the Earth”, or “Goddess Mother of the World”. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Everest 6park.com

*2. Himalaya : the mountain range on which Mt. Zhumulangma sits. It stretches 2400 km from northwest to southeast, separating the plains of the Indian subcontinent from the Tibetan Plateau. “Himalaya” in Tibetan means "the land of snow”, which comes from the Sanskrit words “himá (snow) + ā-laya (home)”. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Himalayas 6park.com

*3. Scientific studies have shown that the immense extent and height of Tibetan Plateau (TP) created as a result of the Indian tectonic plate subducting under the Eurasian plate starting about 50 million years ago has a profound impact on the global climate. Computational models show that the presence of the TP may have contributed greatly to the hospitable modern climate in the northern hemisphere, by promoting the thermohaline circulation in the Atlantic, thereby enhancing the northward ocean heat transport and atmospheric moisture transport across the equator. Specifically, during summertime, the TP acts like a huge heat engine, enhancing the Asian summer monsoon and precipitation over eastern Asia. Whereas during wintertime, the TP enhances the winter cold air break from the Siberian high, which can potentially increase the spring persistent rainfall south of the lower reaches of the Yangzi River, and the pre-monsoon precipitation over southern China. 6park.com

Source : “Portraying the Impact of the Tibetan Plateau on Global Climate” By Haijun Yang, Xingchen Shen, Jie Yao, and Qin Wen 6park.com

•https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0734.1 Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 6park.com

1. Gesang flower : also known as Persian daisy, is a highland daisy ubiquitous in Tibet, symbolizing love, purity and happiness. 6park.com

•http://www.china.org.cn/travel/2011-10/26/content_23727620.htm 6park.com

2. Fiddle/Xianzi : a traditional Tibetan fiddle, much like the erhu, consists of two strings tied on a long wooden neck fixed to a soundbox, and played with a bow. 



3. Guozhuang : a form of singing and dancing in a circle, originated from dance around bonfires.



4. Hada : a silk scarf used in the Tibetan and Mongolian cultures, symbolizing purity and compassion. It is used as a gesture of blessing in the reception/departure of a guest ; as a religious offering ; as a gift in ceremonial occasions such as birth, wedding, funeral, graduation etc. Tibetan hadas are usually white, symbolizing pure heart of the giver. Mongolian hadas are usually blue, symbolizing the blue sky. 6park.com

•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khata —————————————————

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