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歌词翻译 :《高原情歌》阿鲁阿卓
送交者: 午夜剑客[♂☆★★声望品衔11★★☆♂] 于 2021-03-31 4:15 已读 3514 次 1 赞  




《高原情歌》 The Plateau Love Song 6park.com

词 : 段庆民 (Lyrics : Duan Qingmin) 曲 : 段庆民 (Music : Duan Qingmin) 唱 : 阿鲁阿卓 (Singer : Alu Azhuo) 谱 : .... 暂无 .... 6park.com

Lyrics: (Translation with singability in mind.) 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 1, 4 ] (Rhyme : aaab)———• 6park.com

我们相约在蓝天下 We dated under the azure, 6park.com

我们又分别在天涯 We parted at the end of earth. 6park.com

你说你一生只爱我 You said in your life I'm your only love, 6park.com

你问我哪里是我的家 You asked me where is my home. 6park.com

•——[ Stanzas 2, 5 ] (Rhyme : aabcbc)———• 6park.com

你问我的家 You asked where's my home, 6park.com

我告诉你我的家.. I'll tell you where's my home.. 6park.com

你去没去过青海湖 ? Have you been to Qinghai Lake¹ ? 6park.com

翻没翻过巴颜喀拉 ? Ever trekked through Bayan Kala² ? 6park.com

你听没听过一首歌 Have you heard of that famous lay* ? 6park.com

看没看过一幅画 ? Ever seen a portrait Thangka³ ? 6park.com

•———[ Stanzas 3, 6 ] (Rhyme : abcdd)———• 6park.com

就在那高高的高原上 On that sky-soaring great plateau*, 6park.com

洁白的帐篷 There is a white tent, 6park.com

盛开的格桑花.. Where gesang⁴ flowers bloom.. 6park.com

那就是我的家 That is my home, 6park.com

那就是我的家 That is my home. 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 6 ]—• 6park.com

那就是我的家 That is my home. 6park.com

Translated by ck 2021-03-30 •==================================• 6park.com

Notes : 6park.com

* The Plateau refers to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. 6park.com

* The lay alludes to the famous love song “In That Far-away Land” (在那遥远的地方) composed by the renowned folksong musician Wang Luobin in 1939 at the Jinyintan Prairie (金银滩草原) near Qinghai Lake while shooting a film. There, he fell in love with a local Tibetan girl called Zhuoma, who sang for him a local Kazakh folk song. "In That Far-away Land" was based on that Kazakh folk tune, as well as some Tibetan and Uigyur folk tunes, and was originally named "The Prairie Love Song" (草原情歌). •



•https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zai_Na_Yaoyuan_De_Difang 6park.com

1, Qinghai Lake : literally means the “Blue Sea”, is a salt lake and the largest lake (4347 km²) in China, located in the province of Qinghai, which is named after the lake. •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qinghai_Lake 6park.com

2, Bayan Kala : or Bayan Har, is a branch range of the Kunlun Mountain Range, situated in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Bayan Kala range is the source of Yellow River, and divides the upstream drainage areas of Yellow river and Yangtze River. The highest peak of Bayan Kala reaches 5267 m above sea level. •http://www.foreignercn.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=8414:bayan-har-mountains&catid=121:travel-in-qinghai&Itemid=278 6park.com

3, Thangka : a type of Tibetan scrolled painting on cotton and silk canvas, usually depicting a Buddhist deity, scene, or mandala. Thangkas are kept unframed and rolled up when not on display. •https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thangka •https://www.greattibettour.com/tibetan-culture/tibetan-thangka.html 6park.com

4, Gesang flower : also known as Persian daisy, is a highland daisy ubiquitous in Tibet, symbolizing love, purity and happiness. •


•http://www.china.org.cn/travel/2011-10/26/content_23727620.htm ———————————————————— 6park.com

Suggested English syllable allocation in the sentence corresponding to the Chinese version is noted below. Number at the end of a sentence denotes syllable count. I keep it close to the original such that it may be sung in the translated verse. 6park.com

Lyrics: 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 1, 4 ]———————• 我们相约在 - 蓝天下 (8) We dated under - the azure, (8) 6park.com

我们又分别 - 在天涯 (8) We parted at the - end of earth. (8) 6park.com

你说你一生 - 只爱我 (8) You said in your life - I'm your only love, (10) 6park.com

你问我哪里 - 是我的家 (9) You asked me where - is my home. (7) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 2, 5 ]———————• 6park.com

你问 - 我的家 (5) You asked - where's my home, (5) 6park.com

我告诉你 - 我的家.. (7) I'll tell you - where's my home.. (6) 6park.com

你去 - 没去过 - 青海湖 ? (8) Have you - been to - Qinghai Lake¹ ? (7) 6park.com

翻没 - 翻过 - 巴颜喀拉 ? (8) Ever - trekked through - Bayan Kala² ? (8) 6park.com

你听 - 没听过 - 一首歌 (8) Have you - heard of that - famous lay* ? (8) 6park.com

看没 - 看过 - 一幅画 ? (7) Ever - seen a - portrait Thangka³ ? (8) 6park.com

•———————[ Stanzas 3, 6 ]———————• 6park.com

就在 - 那高高的 - 高原上 (9) On that - sky-soaring - great plateau*, (8) 6park.com

洁白的 - 帐篷 (5) There is a - white tent, (5) 6park.com

盛开的 - 格桑花.. (6) Where gesang⁴ - flowers bloom.. (6) 6park.com

那就是 - 我的家 (6) That is - my home, (4) 6park.com

那就是 - 我的家 (6) That is - my home. (4) 6park.com

•—.. [ Stanza 6 ]—• 6park.com

那就是 - 我的家 (6) That is - my home. (4) 6park.com


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