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送交者: pilingjushi[♂★★声望品衔10★★♂] 于 2023-01-20 3:34 已读 2385 次 4 赞  




适才听得司令讲, 阿庆嫂真是不寻常。 我佩服你沉著机灵有胆量, 竟敢在鬼子面前耍花枪。 若无有抗日救国的好思想, 焉能够舍己救人不慌张。 Just heard from the general,  Mrs. Aqing is someone most unusual. I applaud your cool, quick fortitude, Even dared to have the Japanese subdued. If not a good, fervent patriotic believer, Can anyone sacrifice oneself like this ever?

参谋长休要谬夸奖, 舍己救人不敢当。 开茶馆,盼兴旺, 江湖义气第一桩。 司令常来又常往, 我有心背靠大树好乘凉。 也是司令的洪福广, 方能遇难又呈祥。 Please, no need for false praise, chief! Sacrificing myself for another? Good grief! Opening a tea house to make a buck, I crave most - loyalty - if I have the luck! Seeing the general in now and out later,  Under his great wing, I intend to take cover. Wasn’t it not, being a great blessed man, The general escaped danger as he always can?

新四军久在沙家浜, 这棵大树有荫凉。 你与他们常来往, 想必是安排照应更周详。 The New 4th Route Army has been here forever, Under that big tree, there’s plenty of shelter. Seeing them time and again, I suppose, Your dealings are quite thorough and close.

垒起七星灶,铜壶煮三江。 摆开八仙桌,招待十六方。 来的都是客,全凭嘴一张。 相逢开口笑,过后不思量。 人一走,茶就凉。 有什么周详不周详。 Raise the seven star range, boil the three rivers in brass pots. Set the eight immortals table, entertain all from sixteen lots. Those who come, mere guests; facing them, my one single tongue. Smiling when we meet, I think nothing more once they’re gone. Cups of tea turn cold soon after guests leave, What “close thoroughness,” do you exactly perceive?

评分完成:已经给 pilingjushi 加上 100 银元!

贴主:pilingjushi于2023_01_21 13:30:26编辑
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